New Promo Clips

There’s no episode of The Flash next week, but these two clips may tide you over for now. They’re both extremely spoilery, especially if you haven’t watched tonight’s episode yet. Be sure to watch that first.

More behind the jump.

The first teaser is about the identity of the Reverse Flash, and contains many spoilers for tonight’s episode. I guess it’s probably the trailer for the episode itself, but I didn’t see it until afterwards and am glad for that. (Edit: the previous CW link no longer works, so this is another person’s mirror.)


This trailer is similar (but not identical) to the sizzle reel shown a couple of weeks ago, and has scenes from the rest of the season. Many spoilers.


And courtesy of, here are some upcoming episode titles and air dates.

1×18 – “All-Star Team-Up” – air date: April 14th
1×19 – unknown as yet – air date: April 21st
1×20 – “The Trap” – air date: April 28th
1×21 – “Grodd Lives” – air date: May 5th
1×22 – “Rogue Air” – air date: May 12th
1×23 – “Fast Enough” – air date: May 19th (season finale)

What do you think of all of this? Pretty exciting! Let us know your thoughts about the rest of the season.


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About Lia

Lia is a Canadian fan of the Flashes and the Rogues. She's particularly interested in memorabilia of the Rogues and Reverse Flashes, collecting art, and memorizing a whole lot of pointless trivia. She may be the world's only diehard fan of the Top due to a love of hopeless causes, and she runs a fan blog on Tumblr, known as gorogues or The Rogues Kick Ass.

6 thoughts on “New Promo Clips

  1. Scott Timms

    Is it normal for shows to take this many break? Are they slacking or am I a way too excited fanboy?

    1. Lia Post author

      It’s actually been a few years since I watched a TV show (well, I started with Arrow last season when Barry debuted), so I honestly don’t know what’s normal anymore. It’s very frustrating, though!

    2. SuperFlash

      I think this is the new norm because The Walking Dead has been doing this for a while. It is agitating to say the least. And that is coming from a serious fan of these two shows. Something tells me it has to do with the writers strike from several years ago. It ruined Heroes season two from then on. Maybe writers need a hiatus. As an author I need breaks during my writing or I suffer a block or worse yet, lose interest.

    3. Kelson

      It’s been common for network shows for a long time, but usually wasn’t a problem until arc storytelling became so prominent. I remember it almost killed LOST during season 3 (along with the meandering), and the show runners insisted that for the remaining seasons, in addition to a firm ending point, they would only have one hiatus per session and they’d get to choose when. It paid off: even though the last season took a weird turn, seasons 4&5 were a lot stronger and never lost momentum.

    1. Lia Post author

      Huh, that’s odd. It worked last night. I’ve seen this happen once before with one of CW’s Flash releases, so maybe they take some down after the episode airs. I’ve found somebody’s mirror upload and will edit it in, although the quality’s not as good. Thanks for letting me know!


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