This Week (Sep 23): Wednesday Finale & Flash Chronicles

This is it: the final issue of Wednesday Comics! Also, the first volume of The Flash Chronicles, which picks up the Silver Age stories and reprints them all, in order, in trade paperback form.

The Flash Chronicles Vol.1 TP

Flash Chronicles Vol.1Written by Robert Kanigher and John Broome
Art by Carmine Infantino, Joe Kubert, Frank Giacoia and Joe Giella
Cover by Carmine Infantino and Joe Kubert

The stories that introduced Barry Allen as the new Flash in the late 1950s are collected chronologically in trade paperback for the first time, with tales from Showcase , 8, 13 and 14 and The Flash #105 & 106.

On sale September 23 · 160 pg, FC, $14.99 US. Order from Amazon.

Notes: They’re not just reissuing the Flash Archives in paperback — The Flash Archives v.1 is longer, running through the contents of Flash v.1 #108.

Wednesday Comics #12

Wednesday ComicsWEDNESDAY COMICS, DC’s new, 12-issue weekly series, reaches its incredible conclusion in September. WEDNESDAY COMICS will arrive in stores folded twice to 7″ x 10″.

16 pg, FC, $3.99 US

Super Friends

Super Friends #19Written by Sholly Fisch
Art by Dario Brizuela
Cover by J. Bone

School’s back in session! That is, Headmaster Mind’s school for Super-Villains! And he’s got a few lessons to teach the Super Friends about crashing his field trip!

On sale September 23 · 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US


2 thoughts on “This Week (Sep 23): Wednesday Finale & Flash Chronicles

  1. fastest

    I would contemplate collecting the Flash Archives, but now it’s so far behind. Maybe if they were planning on releasing them monthly or something. But we’re already 5 volumes into archives and 3 volumes into showcase. Showcase is up to what, issue 161.

    This is the big problem that I have with DC and their releasing new golden and silver age Flash material. They just keep changing the format and re-releasing the same issues over and over instead of releasing new material.

    Are Flash Chronicles in color?

    1. Kelson Post author

      Yes, they’re in color. The scheme for the “complete” (if they ever finish one) collections seems to be this:

      Showcase: black-and-white paperbacks on cheap paper.
      Chronicles: color paperbacks on regular(?) paper.
      Archives: color hardcovers on nice paper.

      And I’m right there with you on wanting DC to reprint some different classic material. Come to think of it, one of the flashback posts coming up later this week is all about that.

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