Status Update

There’s been a delay in the server move, and I’m kind of reluctant to add anything substantial until that’s resolved. Soon, I hope.

Meanwhile, my commute is such that I can’t get to the comic store until the weekend, so it’ll be a couple of days (at least) before I can pick up The Flash . It’s weird: I mostly don’t mind not being part of the Wednesday crowd anymore, but this is one case where it is kind of frustrating.

I guess at some point I’m going to have to find a new store and move my pull list.


2 thoughts on “Status Update

  1. keith andrews

    I’ve had to change stores several times since joining the Army–I finally had to settle for Midtown Comics online. After being with some very good comic shops, I get really frustrated with some of the bad ones. Good luck in your search–I’d love to see you post on the comic shop you do choose=)


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