This week in Flash: ARROW on TV, Digital Impulse and Jay, Fast Friends

The Scientist

The big Flash release this week is, of course, Barry Allen’s first appearance on the TV show Arrow tonight. Not yet the Flash, Barry comes to Starling City to investigate a robbery. (Check out our round-up of Flash TV news.)

There aren’t any new Flash comic books this week, but there are two new digital re-releases at ComiXology on Wednesday:

Impulse #84: With Max Mercury still missing, Bart moves to Keystone City to live with Jay and Joan Garrick. The cover is a reference to the very first Flash cover ever: Flash Comics .

Green Lantern #67: Part 2 of “Fast Friends,” as Wally West and Kyle Rayner try to avoid sniping at each other long enough to stop Sonar.

Impulse #84
