Flash: Futures End Preview on Uproxx

Flash Futures End 1Next week DC releases Flash: Futures End . Like the rest of DC’s New 52 line this September, the issue jumps ahead five years. Of course, the current storyline with the Flash of twenty years from now has him coming back in time to undo mistakes, particularly one that will cost Wally West his life…five years from today! Like last year’s Reverse Flash one-shot for Villains Month, the Flash team has managed to work the event theme into their main story instead of going off on a tangent for a month.

Check out a preview at Uproxx Gamma Squad, revealing just why Barry Allen was late (this time), and showing a new look for Reverse Flash Daniel West.

Full animated cover behind the cut:

Flash Futures End Cover (animated)


One thought on “Flash: Futures End Preview on Uproxx

  1. Wayne Lippa

    I’ve been enjoying most of the Futures End comics so far this month, and they haven’t really been tying into any particular story lines. I’m looking forward to this one and seeing how they tie it into the story they are telling.


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