Comics News Round-Up

Bleeding Cool has posted some upcoming covers from September, including one for Flash (by Howard Porter) and Titans #15 (Dan Mora). You can see the Flash-related images embedded in this post, and the full group of DC covers are here. The Titans cover is at the end of this post.

Flash writer Joshua Williamson was at Boston Comic Con last weekend, and he talked a bit about upcoming aspects of the Flashverse in general, as well as details about Dark Nights: Metal. Flash fans may find the upcoming tidbits interesting, particularly if they’re fans of Bart Allen:

Discussing The Flash, Williamson brought up Barry’s new negative speed force powers.

“Barry’s a guy who’s always been about the science,” said Williamson. “Now, he’s forced to sort of re-learn everything. In the past, he’d have that lightning coming off of him and it wouldn’t do anything, but now you see it’s destroying the street. And now, a big part of this [upcoming] arc is that he can’t heal anymore. He used to use the speed force to heal, and he became very reliant on his powers to help him with this, and now he can’t do it anymore.”

A fan then asked if there were plans to bring Bart Allen or Conner Kent back.

“We all love those characters,” said Williamson. “I was a big fan of Young Justice, so we do think about those characters all the time. I don’t know if that helps you or not.”

Plus there was a panel about Dark Nights: Metal, and Williamson spoke a bit about Red Death, who will be facing the Flash in October.

That’s a rather non-committal answer about Bart, but hopefully this means he’s on DC’s radar. It’s something to continue asking them for, at least.


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About Lia

Lia is a Canadian fan of the Flashes and the Rogues. She's particularly interested in memorabilia of the Rogues and Reverse Flashes, collecting art, and memorizing a whole lot of pointless trivia. She may be the world's only diehard fan of the Top due to a love of hopeless causes, and she runs a fan blog on Tumblr, known as gorogues or The Rogues Kick Ass.

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