DC has posted its solicitations for September 2008, and it looks like big changes are in store for the Flash. (More about that in a forthcoming post.)
The Flash #244
The epic “This Was Your Life, Wally West” kicks off in high gear as Flash faces a scary blast from the past in a new story written by Alan Burnett (Batman: The Animated Series, Superman/Batman). Plus, Keystone City is abuzz over the new threat in town, who just might be the finish line for the Flash! September 17, 2008. Written by Alan Burnett; Art by Paco Diaz and Drew Geraci; Cover by Brian Stelfreeze. |
Final Crisis: Rogues’ Revenge #3 of 3
Captain Cold and the Rogues only want one thing—revenge. But with the Secret Society hitting the Rogues where it hurts, that revenge is being kept at an arm’s length. Not to mention, the subject of their revenge is now under Libra’s protection. It’s do or die time for the Rogues as this villainous mini-series concludes! Plus, what’s up with…Barry Allen? September 17, 2008. Written by Geoff Johns. Two covers and art by Scott Kolins |
Then there are the team books and events:
Final Crisis #4 of 7
It’s one month after the Anti-Life Equation was released worldwide. Millions now toil as slaves of Darkseid, while the Justifier shock troops of Apokolips lay waste to the planet Earth and hunt down its protectors. The remaining free humans and superheroes are stationed around the world, besieged within the walls of ten very familiar ‘Watchtowers’, as they fight a desperate, losing battle against the triumphant forces of evil. While Green Arrow and Black Canary attempt to deliver the secret of humanity’s last hope across America’s blasted wastelands, the Outsiders brave the horrors of the Blüdhaven bunker in search of Batman. The ultimate battle is coming…but which heroes will become villains — and vice versa? And what part do the Secret Society have to play in the dawning of this new Age of Evil? Darkness is falling and death rules the day. Is this truly the end of the Age of Super Heroes? Don’t miss Final Crisis #4: “How to Murder the Earth!” September 17, 2008. Written by Grant Morrison; Art by J.G. Jones and Carlos Pacheco; Covers by J.G. Jones |
Justice League of America #25
Vixen and Animal Man journey into the sacred Tantu Totem to solve the mystery of their altered powers. But Anansi, the African spider god responsible for these changes, has only begun reshaping the powers and histories of the Justice League, as eight-year-old Bruce Wayne shoots the burglar who killed his parents, Wonder Woman retires from the JLA after the tragic death of her husband, Superman, and The Green Lantern Corps quarantines Earth after one of their number destroys an American city. With the team’s history changing before Vixen’s eyes, is the JLA we now know gone forever? September 17, 2008. Written by Dwayne McDuffie. Art and cover by Ed Benes. |
Justice Society of America #19
“One World, Under Gog” continues! The Justice Society begins to dissolve as Gog vows to bring peace to Earth…in a way that frightens some and thrills others. But with Hawkman around, it’s not going to be a simple debate. Plus, Starman reveals his concerns about the team’s future to Mr. Terrific while Power Girl struggles to come to terms with her greatest desire! September 24, 2008. Written by Geoff Johns and Alex Ross. Art by Dale Eaglesham. Cover by Ross. Variant cover by Eaglesham. |
The Titans #5
When Raven’s half-brothers return to claim her and unite Trigon’s bloodline, Raven must choose which ties are stronger: the family she was born to, or the new family she has made. September 24. Written by Judd Winick; Art by Julian Lopez and Prentis Rollins; Cover by Joe Benitez |
Justice vol.2
The second serving of Justice is now available in trade paperback! Featuring the amazing artistry of Alex Ross, this volume collects issues #5–8 of the hit maxiseries! September 24, 2008. Written by Alex Ross and Jim Krueger; Art by Doug Braithwaite and Alex Ross; Cover by Alex Ross |
JLA: Salvation Run
The hit 7-issue miniseries spinning out of Countdown to Infinite Crisis is collected in this new trade paperback. Exiled to a distant hell planet, the villains of the DCU split into two warring factions led by Lex Luthor and The Joker, with the Flash’s Rogues narrating. September 17, 2008. Written by Bill Willingham and Matthew Sturges; Art by Sean Chen and Walden Wong; Cover by Joe Corroney |
Tangent: Superman’s Reign #7 of 12
A hero falls! Now, the remaining forces for good from both the Tangent and DCU Earths are forced to go deeper underground. Also, the secret power behind the Tangent Superman’s throne is revealed! September 17, 2008. Written by Dan Jurgens and Ron Marz; Art by Jamal Igle and Robin Riggs with Fernando Pasarin; Cover by Andie Tong. |
Finally, there are collected editions through November:
DC Comics Goes Ape
You’ll go bananas for this new title collecting simian stories from Superboy #76, Superman #138, The Flash v.1 #127 (featuring Gorilla Grodd), Detective Comics #339 and 482, Hawkman #16, Wonder Woman #170, Strange Adventures #201, Shazam #9, Super Friends #30 and The Flash v.2 #151. October 1, 2008. Written by Otto Binder, John Broome, Gardner Fox and others; Art by Carmine Infantino, Wayne Boring, George Papp, Ross Andru, C.C. Beck, Jim Starlin and others; Cover by Arthur Adams |
JLA: That Was Now, This is Then
The classic creative team of Roger Stern and John Byrne reunite for this tale from JLA Classified #50–54! The Justice League faces a foe who’s out for revenge — but The World’s Greatest Super Heroes have no record of ever battling him before! October 8, 2008. Written by Roger Stern; Art by John Byrne and Mark Farmer; Cover by Joshua Middleton. |
Justice Society of America: The Next Age
The book collecting the first four issues of Justice Society of America is now available in trade paperback! Determined to rebuild the Justice Society, Green Lantern, Flash and Wildcat initiate a recruitment program, tracking heroes across the world and bringing in the new Starman, Damage, Liberty Belle and more! October 22, 2008. Written by Geoff Johns Cover by Alex Ross; Art by Dale Eaglesham, Art Thibert and Ruy Jose |
Teen Titans Year One
The early days of the Teen Titans are chronicled in this title collecting the 6-issue miniseries! October 29, 2008. Written by Amy Wolfram; Art by Karl Kerschl and Serge LaPointe; Cover by Karl Kerschl. |
New Teen Titans Archives #4
The 1980s adventures continue in this final Archive edition, collecting New Teen Titans #21–27 and New Teen Titans Annual #1! Don’t miss the Titans’ struggle against the hordes of Brother Blood, Starfire’s confrontation with her evil sister and more! October 29, 2008. Written by Marv Wolfman; Art and Cover by George Pérez and Romeo Tanghal. |
Justice Society of America: Thy Kingdom Come Book 2
The Kingdom Come Superman continues to crusade against evil alongside his new Justice Society teammates — but is he the only one who can stand against the threat of Magog? And what are Gog’s true motives? This hard-hitting new volume collects JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #13–18! November 26, 2008. Written by Geoff Johns and Alex Ross; Art by Dale Eaglesham and Ruy Jose; Cover by Alex Ross. |
Another creative team. Another (possible) relaunch. Not good. This is even turning me off from the book. If DC doesn’t do something drastic soon I’ll be dropping the Flash book and possibly walking away from comics for good.