Flash Comics for May 2009

DC’s solicitations for May are up at Newsarama and elsewhere.

The Flash: Rebirth #2

Flash: Rebirth #2Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ethan Van Sciver
Covers by Ethan Van Sciver
What’s happened to the Speed Force? One of the world’s most powerful speedsters is dead, and Barry Allen must discover who – or what – is responsible! But the reborn Barry is a man haunted by a dark secret in his past. A secret that drives him to push far beyond his limits. A burden that, if he’s not careful, could send him right back into oblivion! Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver’s reinvention of the Scarlet Speedster picks up the pace – we dare you to keep up!

Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers. For every 25 copies of the Standard Edition (with a cover by Ethan Van Sciver), retailers may order one copy of the Variant Edition (with a cover by Ethan Van Sciver). Please see the Previews Order Form for more information.

On sale May 6 • 2 of 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Notes: Oh, joy, another dead speedster. Awesome cover, though. (I can’t believe I just wrote “awesome.” I feel like I’m in fifth grade.)

Team books and more after the cut.

Team Books

Justice League of America #33

Justice League of America #33Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Rags Morales
Cover by Ed Benes

It’s Dharma vs. Starbreaker for control of the greatest source of power in the DC Universe. No matter the victor, the Justice League loses!

On sale May 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Notes: So, can Dharma claim initiative? (Sorry, bad Lost/D&D joke)

Justice Society of America #27

Justice Society of America #27Written by Jerry Ordway
Art by Jerry Ordway & Bob Wiacek
Cover by Jerry Ordway

The younger JSA team members find their headquarters in total lockdown – with The Flash, Green Lantern and Wildcat trapped inside! Can the junior JSA-ers break into their own home base? And what secret from the Atomic Age seeks retribution from the three founding members?

On sale May 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Note: What is it with team headquarters going into lockdown lately?

Titans #13

Titans #13Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Howard Porter
Cover by Andrew Robinson

“Deathtrap” part 4! The Titans, Vigilante and now the Teen Titans all get roped into Jericho’s insane plot. Can their combined forces halt their foe’s master plan? This riveting crossover concludes in Vigilante !

On sale May 13 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US


Vigilante #6Written by Marv Wolfman
Art by Tom Lyle & Scott Hanna
Cover by Andrew Robinson

The horrifying conclusion to the Titans/Teen Titans/Vigilante “Deathtrap” crossover! Vigilante takes matters into his own hands to stop Jericho once and for all – even if it means becoming a target himself!

On sale May 20 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Out of Continuity

Tiny Titans #16

Tiny Titans #16Written by Art Baltazar & Franco
Art and cover by Art Baltazar

It’s another ordinary gym class with Coach Lobo for the Tiny Titans until Supergirl and Kid Flash decide it’s the perfect day for a race around the world. The race isn’t theirs alone as some of the other Tiny Titans decide they don’t want to be left out. And see just what happens when the Atom and the Molecule compete in a shrinking contest.

On sale May 20 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Super Friends #15

Super Friends #15Written by Sholly Fisch
Art and cover by J. Bone

Batman doesn’t like to talk about it, but it’s his birthday! Unfortunately, all the Super Friends keep disappearing as Batman faces taunts from the mysterious villain The Unknown! Will Batman solve this new mystery – or has he finally met his mysterious match?

On sale May 13 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Advance Solicitations (Collections, June and Later)

Trinity Vol.1 TP

Trinity vol.1Written by Kurt Busiek and Fabian Nicieza
Art by Mark Bagley, Scott McDaniel, Mike Norton, Tom Derenick, Art Thibert, Andy Owens, Jerry Ordway and Wayne Faucher
Cover by Mark Bagley & Art Thibert

DC’s hit weekly series arrives in its first collected edition from writers Kurt Busiek (Astro City, JLA, Marvels) and Fabian Nicieza (X-Men, Robin) and a legion of artists including the sensational Mark Bagley (Ultimate Spider-Man)! Features Trinity -17 as a devastating cosmic force targets Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman! Featuring stunning covers by Carlos Pacheco, Andy Kubert and Jim Lee & Scott Williams, this is the first of three volumes collecting the series.

On sale June 3 • 416 pg, FC, $29.99 US

Final Crisis: Rogues’ Revenge HC

Final Crisis: Rogues' RevengeWritten by Geoff Johns
Art and cover by Scott Kolins

In the face of Final Crisis, superstar writer Geoff Johns (JSA, Action Comics) and artist Scott Kolins (Solomon Grundy) revive the most ruthless Rogues Gallery of them all! At times, they’ve been laughed at, ridiculed and hunted – but The Flash Rogues Gallery has had enough. The team of villains decides to remind the world why they’re not to be messed with in this hardcover collecting their return in Final Crisis: Rogues’ Revenge -3 as well as a couple of their greatest hits from
The Flash #182 and #197.

On sale July 15 • 144 pg, FC, $19.99 US

Flash: The Human Race TP

Flash: The Human RaceWritten by Grant Morrison and Mark Millar
Art by Mike Parobeck, Paul Ryan, Pop Mhan, Steve Lightle and others
Cover by Steve Lightle

Grant Morrison and Mark Millar’s run with the Fastest Man Alive continues here! Collects The Flash #136-141 as well as a story from Secret Origins #50.

On sale June 10 • 160 pg, FC, $14.99 US

Note: The story from Secret Origins #50 is almost certainly Grant Morrison’s retelling of “Flash of Two Worlds.”

DC Comics Classics Library: Flash of Two Worlds HC

Flash of Two WorldsWritten by Gardner Fox and John Broome
Art by Carmine Infantino, Joe Giella and Sid Greene
Cover by Carmine Infantino & Murphy Anderson

The super-speedsters of two worlds race into adventure in this new collection of tales! Learn how police scientist Barry Allen, The Flash of the 1960s, first crossed paths with his predecessor, Jay Garrick, in this hardcover featuring The Flash #123, 129, 137, 151 and 173.

On sale July 29 • 144 pg, FC, $39.99 US

JLA Identity Crisis Classics Series 1 Action Figures

JLA Group ThumbnailJLA: Flash Action Figure
These four core members of the Justice League of America are perfect for superhero fans and collectors of all ages!

Based on the original Identity Crisis figures, this release features new head sculpts that showcase the art of this modern comics classic better than ever before.

All figures feature multiple points of articulation, include a display base and are packaged on
4-color clamshell blister card packaging.

Figures included:
Green Arrow • 6.25” h
Batman • 6.25” h
The Flash • 6.25” h
Superman • 6.25” h

On sale October 14, 2009 * Action Figures * PI


3 thoughts on “Flash Comics for May 2009

  1. Jason West

    i think the “other” dead speedster is the same one from TF:R#1. like, it happens on the very last page, leading into ish 2.

    i’m very excited about this series, however. this second ish cannot be delayed even a week, though! i’m goin to USAF BT the following Tues. i’m gonna prepay and have my cbs hold onto the 3/4 issues and have my parents pick em up. (i’ve got it all planned out…aw yeah. (it’s funny…i won’t know who Batman is until i get out on July 10/11…dang. oh well…

    .-= Jason West’s latest blog post: Rebirthing… =-.

  2. papa zero

    I just can’t get into the cover for Rebirth #2. No doubt that EVS is talented but a few things about it just glare out at me… the lightning looks more like cobweb he’s caught in rather than an expression of movement or power – and the hips look off. Far better than anything I could ever hope to do of course!


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