Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-08-30

  • Cool Flash & other wallpapers at DCU Online website – prob. been there forever, but I haven’t been to the site lately
  • Long Beach Comic Con is back on Twitter @LongBeach_CC
  • RT@speedingbullet: If I had a cosmic treadmill to move through time, right now I’d use it to go to Wednesday so I could read Flash:Rebirth#4
  • This week I’ve got 5 definite comics (Flash:Rebirth, Madame Xanadu, Wednesday Comics, Dynamo 5, Unknown) & 3 maybes. Next week, just one.
  • Found a 5-year-old draft post on death and super-heroes. Post ID is 404. Seems appropriate.
  • I love it! Photoshop Filters as super-heroes via @comicsalliance
  • Mini Review: Flash: Rebirth . 3 “Oh #$%!” Moments, 1 “Oh, please…” & 3 “HELL, YEAH!”s.
  • Upcoming cons: @FanExpoCanada this weekend, Dragon*Con @daily_dragon next week, @LongBeach_CC in October #followfriday
  • Found a blog scraper site that turned “speed force” into “zip accolade.”
  • 1,999 comments approved on speedforce.org ! Who wants to be ,000?
  • And the 2,000th comment goes to Lee H! If I’d planned this ahead of time, I’d have picked out a prize or something.
  • Flash Fact: A SIlver Age storyline index would be empty. The comics were all stand-alone stories until the 1970s.
  • Donna Troy is “one of those people a nickname doesn’t stick to, like Jean Grey” – Dan Didio #fanexpo

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One thought on “Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-08-30

  1. Lee H

    But I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike prizes.

    I don’t buy the whole Donna Troy/Jean Grey thing. If the super-hero names don’t stick then that’s only the fault of the publisher (and licencing people) for not making them stick. The same thing seems to be happening with Kitty Pryde as well. All female heroes – what does that tell us?

    Come to think of it, Jai and Irey West don’t have hero names yet, despite having costumes.

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