This Week: Flash #4 Preview and More

After the madness of Comic-Con International, it’s time to get back to what that convention is all about: comics! And this Wednesday, we’ve got a new comic about that super-fast guy in a red suit.

The Flash

The original Captain Boomerang returns as BRIGHTEST DAY continues. Meanwhile, Barry must prove his innocence to the Renegades, cops from the 25th century. Discover what connection they have to the Rogues and what travesties have occurred in the future.

Written by GEOFF JOHNS · Art and cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL · 1:10 variant cover by SCOTT KOLINS

32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

DC has posted a 4-page preview at The Source, plus final cover art.

Other Speedster Appearances

  • Justice League of America #47
  • JSA vs. Kobra TPB
  • Teen Titans #85


3 thoughts on “This Week: Flash #4 Preview and More

  1. mbish

    Which Flash is now in the Justice League of America? Barry or Wally?

    And what do you guys think of recent Teen Titans? I have not heard good things. I want to start reading it again when Nicola Scott starts penciling for it.
    But yeah, given all the controversy surrounding Teen Titans (and the copious death contained within) Do you think it is still worth reading?

    1. Kelson Post author

      Actually, neither. Jesse Quick is joining the team at the end of this crossover.

      As for Teen Titans, I haven’t picked it up since the sequel to Titans Tomorrow, so I really couldn’t say.

      1. mbish

        Oh. Never really read JSA. But I do know that the JSA and the JLA are hanging together cause something is happening with Green Lantern (JSA one).
        That must be the crossover you mentioned.

        I was just wondering which one would have preference to be on the team. Given they both have histories with the team in different ears and stuff.
        I guess it makes sense to go past them and head straight to Jesse Quick.

        Thanks for the info.

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