Flash Sales for September 2010

ICv2’s sales estimates for September are out. The Flash sold 62K copies and was ranked 14 for the month. While that is a drop in raw numbers, it’s worth considering that comics sales are down overall in the third quarter…and that the book actually climbed in the rankings. In fact, it seems to be holding steady in terms of rankings, between 10 and 15 for every issue since the first.

Issue Rank Month Units Sold % Change
Flash v.3 2 April 2010 100,903
Flash v.3 12 May 2010 76,560 (-24.1%)
Flash v.3 11 June 2010 68,799 (-10.1%)
Flash v.3 15 July 2010 64,832 (-5.8%)
Flash v.3 14 September 2010 62,063 (-4.3%)


2 thoughts on “Flash Sales for September 2010

  1. Flash Bulletin

    Extraordinary!!! Flash did better than Spider-Man! Very goog! Even though overall sales are down. Johns is just gearing up for Flashpoint!

  2. Garnet

    Solid numbers. Looks like the current incarnation will have a solid publishing run, if they remember to actually publish issues once in a while. Why do publishers never actually try to test their artists can meet a monthly schedule?


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