Harley Quinn is ready to race on The Flash #39 Variant Cover

Harley Quinn takes over DC’s variant covers for February 2015, and CBR unveils five covers including The Flash #39 by Amanda Conner and Paul Mounts.

Flash 39 Harley Quinn Variant by Amanda Conner and Paul Mounts: Harley has a chariot pulled by cheetahs.


5 thoughts on “Harley Quinn is ready to race on The Flash #39 Variant Cover

  1. Kyer

    As a rule I dislike characters who hurt people, so not overly fond of Harley. However, love the depiction of the cheetahs and Barry’s bewilderment.

  2. Scott Timms

    Harley Quinn is on all variant covers? Here is why I don’t like it…I hate covers which show stuff that doesn’t happen in the book. If she is in all the issues then sure, but I hate when there is action on the cover which never happens.

  3. Joe

    Scott, I generally agree but then that’s why it’s just a Variant cover. There is still the normal cover for the rest of us. I’m not a fan of variant covers either but I know a lot of people are so I figure let them have their fun. Mostly, I think it’s collectors go for this stuff. That said, I like the upcoming Darwyn Cooke variants (first time I fell for Variant covers) because, well DARWYN COOKE art!!! That said, the (hilarious but obviously futile) Cheetah chariot makes for a clever idea for a pin-up piece and Amanda Conner’s work in the expressions is brilliant. Even the cheetah’s faces are nicely done.


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