Impulse Buy: ComiXology’s “Back to School Sale”

Impulse #19

The entire run of Impulse starring speedster Bart Allen is on discount at ComiXology this week for their back to school sale. Most issues are typically $1.99, and are on sale for 99¢.

Technically it’s not the entire run, as they don’t have either of the two Annuals up yet.

There are a few early issues that tie into Flash’s “Dead Heat” storyline and guest-star XS, Bart’s cousin Jenni Ognats from the Legion of Super-Heroes. The Waid/Ramos issues are gold, with possibly being the best of the batch. And while it’s mostly a comedy superhero book, it does delve into deeper emotional stories as well, such as the two-parter where Bart’s friend Carol gets caught in the middle of one of the Trickster’s cons (#14-15), or the issue delving into Max Mercury’s past (#16).

Later on, the series toned down the comedy in favor of more serious superhero stories (Mercury Falling, Dark Tomorrow, etc.), and the last year or so of the book was a constant battle between the creative team and editorial over new powers, crossover tie-ins, and cast changes.


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