Flash/Batman Crossover In April-May

It was widely announced on Thursday that there will be a four-issue crossover between The Flash and Batman books this coming April/May, in which the duo will tackle the enigma of the blood-spattered button in the Batcave. You may remember that cliffhanger from the DC Universe: Rebirth issue last May, and while the readers are privy to the source of the button, the characters wouldn’t be.

The story will take place in the #21 and #22 issues of both books, with creative teams Tom King and artist Jason Fabok (Batman), and Joshua Williamson and Howard Porter (Flash). Pretty cool to see Porter back on the Flash title, even if it’s only for a bit!

CBR has more of the details on the series, including a few comments from Williamson and Dan DiDio. And here’s DC’s official description of the crossover:

“Two greatest detectives in the DC Universe unite to unravel the mystery behind a certain blood stained smiley face button stuck in the Batcave wall. However, what begins as a simple investigation soon turns deadly when the secrets of the button prove irresistible to an unwelcome third party — and it’s not who anyone suspects! This is a mystery woven throughout time, and the countdown starts here!”

Should be interesting, and one wonders who the unwelcome intruder is. It’s a shame that original Wally West doesn’t seem to be getting involved in the search too, but he’s definitely been finding some of the details over in the Titans book from Abra Kadabra, so I guess he’s still involved in his own way.

Looking forward to the crossover? What do you hope to see in it?


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About Lia

Lia is a Canadian fan of the Flashes and the Rogues. She's particularly interested in memorabilia of the Rogues and Reverse Flashes, collecting art, and memorizing a whole lot of pointless trivia. She may be the world's only diehard fan of the Top due to a love of hopeless causes, and she runs a fan blog on Tumblr, known as gorogues or The Rogues Kick Ass.

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