Flash Photography: WonderCon 2017 Cosplay Roundup

I spent this past weekend at WonderCon in Anaheim for what turned out to be a fun family trip. We explored a lot, my son played old-school video games (trouncing me at Street Fighter with his advanced button-mashing technique) and alternately borrowed the camera and photobombed my pictures, my wife cosplayed as Kara Danvers and Whitney Frost, and we all had a good time.

There was no Flash panel this year, but there were Flash fans everywhere. I didn’t actually see anyone dressed as the Flash all day Friday…until I walked outside at the end of the day, and ran into three in rapid succession. Over the next two days, I saw people dressed as Barry, Wally, Jay and Jesse…comic, TV and movie costumes…Reverse-Flash…the DC Bombshells Flash…and a bunch of original variations.

These are only the ones I got on camera! On top of more Flash variants, I spotted a Gorilla Grodd and a movie-style Captain Boomerang. No other Rogues that I can recall, though. For more, non-Flashy stuff, check out my complete photo gallery at Flickr and my writeup at K-Squared Ramblings.

Fun fact: Reverse-Flash is looking over at my 6YO, who’s in the process of running into the frame.

Jay Garrick Flash Cosplay DC Bombshells Flash Flash: Jay Garrick Bombshells Flash Sequinned Heroines The Flash Cosplay Movie-Style Flash and Aquawoman Cosplay Movie-Style Flash Cosplay

» Full photo gallery at Flickr.
» Full writeup at K-Squared Ramblings.


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