“As Above” Review of THE FLASH #14

We’ve just come through the trippiest FLASH arc ever (even more so than when Iris West’s conscience was placed into another body just before the original CRISIS). So, what’s up for the Flash family now? It’s time for a family vacation! Of course, nothing can happen in a normal way to the Flash family, so you know twists are just ahead. That, and a NEW COSTUME! Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


Let’s get this part out of the way first. That is an awesome new costume! I’m sure there will be critics who want the all-over crimson theme, but I’ll have to admit this new uniform is pretty cool (if a challenge to draw over and over again for an issue – excellent job by the art team to make that work). If nothing else, I think all Flash fans (hopefully) can agree on getting rid of the nose piece – it just seemed out of place. So, kudos to the new duds!

I will get back to this issue (which was a good story) in just a moment. But first….I need to rant just a bit.

Here is my one complaint – and this is a general editorial complaint as I’m not sure Si Spurrier was involved with this decision. But, whoever did this…


If there is an intent to bring Barry back to speed soon (pun intended), then I can live with this. But, I have never bought into there needing to be a battle between Barry and Wally as to who can be a Flash. We still have Jay Garrick, and he is still also called the Flash – that’s just for starters. You don’t have to take one Flash totally and completely out of the picture to make the other one worth reading. I realize this is a company-wide event and that other characters (even some in this series) have been affected in different ways. But, taking Barry’s powers was simply the wrong decision, and I’ll stand by that. (BTW is it a big disingenuous to have Barry in costume on the cover if his powers are gone?)

Now, back to our usual review…

Wally and family are visiting Skartaris, home of the legendary DC Character Warlord. Lately, it’s also been the home of the Weather Wizard, and that’s not very good news for Skartaris.

Wally has been asked by Warlord to help – and he and the family are on their way. Mind you, they don’t know at first the real reason they are there. Wally has been hiding things from his family (again). This is a vacation! (Nope) Powers don’t work here (Not true). Of course the truth does eventually come out.

The fact that powers work in Skartaris came to light when Wally saved their long-time family dog…wait a minute…long-time family dog? Why doesn’t Wally remember when they GOT that dog?

—–Now before we move ahead, we need to go back in time for a bit (still in this issue, don’t worry).

Wally and Wallace watch the return of those police officers who were stranded in space several issues back. And Wally is ready for a break.

He drops by Iron Heights to check on what’s happened to all the meta-human prisoners, and finds that some of them were also affected by the end of ABSOLUTE POWER. Godspeed has lost his speed…and something seems to be calling to him. Something was also calling to Weather Wizard when he first went to Skartaris, so there must be something going on there. More on that in future issues. But for now…

Wally drops by the retirement party for Barry, who seems to be happy that he no longer has his speed…at least, that’s the front he is putting up. Wally uses that new JL membership card to teleport to the new Watchtower to talk about taking a break.

He speaks to the disembodied voice of Red Tornado (hope to see him back in action soon, but at least he is not completely dead and gone). And, in the middle of all this, he gets the message from Warlord that begs him to go to Skartaris.

That brings us back to the Flash family – and Irey is NOT happy that they are “only” going after Weather Wizard. She somehow tricks Wally’s JL card into accepting her, and she is teleported to the Watchtower. And, that’s where she sees…..

Wally? And why does Wally say she is supposed to be on vacation with her mom and brother? This is just the start of the new arc!


  • This issue starts an arc that I think I can get into. I truly enjoyed this issue and I’m looking forward to what lies ahead. That said, it’s…
    • …Confession time – I’ve been reviewing Si Spurrier’s work so far in the same way I used to review Indie comics for TMStash when it was up and running. In other words, I didn’t review them as a FLASH fan – I just looked at them for literary merit. They were good issues – truly good stories – but to this old fan, they weren’t FLASH comics, but instead cosmic horror stories that happened to include familiar characters.
  • HOWEVER – other than my problem with what’s happening to Barry, this issue bridges that gap between the familiar and the new VERY effectively. There are still very strange things happening, and probably even stranger things to come, but this still feels like a FLASH comic…and a truly good FLASH comic as well.

This issue gave me a lot of hope for the direction of the series. It’s well-written (one of the best of the Si Spurrier era) with terrific artwork – and I do love the new costume. I’m giving this one an 9/10 (with 1 point off only because of what’s happened to Barry) – of course that’s just my opinion. What do YOU think? Leave your comments below!


One thought on ““As Above” Review of THE FLASH #14

  1. Jesse Richards

    The new costume seems to vary based on who’s drawing it. It looked good here but weird in other issues. The face looked really bizarre in Titans – a black chinstrap? And I don’t think that’s Barry on the cover; it’s the 2 Wally’s. And I’m 100% positive that removing Barry’s powers will be a temporary arc.


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