Rebirth Hangs In There as Sales Drop in May

ICv2 has published their table of May 2009 sales estimates, and it doesn’t look good — for anyone. The summary notes that comic sales overall dropped 19% from April to May.

Flash: Rebirth was still ranked highly at (down from in April), but had dropped to an estimated 86,183. At first glance that’s a staggering drop of 15.8% — but since the entire market dropped 19%, by comparison, Flash: Rebirth is actually doing pretty well!

Flash: Rebirth Sales

Issue Rank Units Sold Change
Flash: Rebirth (of 6) 2 102,429 +286.6%
Flash: Rebirth (of 6) 4 86,183 -15.9%

Meanwhile, down near the bottom, the chart shows another 2,681 units of Flash: Rebirth — presumably these would be the second printing, which arrived in stores the very last week of April.

Flash: Rebirth is also still the third-highest monthly sales a Flash book has pulled in the last decade.

Top Flash Books since 2000

Month Issue Units Sold Change W/Reorders
06/2006 Flash: FMA 120,404 (+196.8%) [126,741]
04/2009 Flash: Rebirth 102,429 (+286.6%) [105,110]
05/2009 Flash: Rebirth 86,183 (-15.9%)
07/2006 Flash: FMA 77,487 (- 35.6%) [ 82,501]
07/2007 All Flash 78,955 (+ 2.7%)
06/2007 Flash: FMA #13 76,860 (+ 60.8%) [ 82,767]
08/2007 Flash #231 72,898 (- 7.7%)

These are Flash issues that sold more than 70,000 units over the past few years. (Even Final Crisis: Rogues’ Revenge maxed out around 62K.) Interestingly, these top issues are all the first and second issues of a relaunch, with one exception: Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #13, the final issue of that series, in which Bart Allen was killed.


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