“As the Universe” Review of THE FLASH #18

The Flash Family has been split apart…at least their locations have been. Wally is with Wade and Black Canary and Nightwing and Mister Terrific, along with Linda and Irey. Meanwhile, Wally (yes, Wally) is with Eclipso, who is behind all this madness. As for Jai? He’s on the moon with our goodest doggo Foxy. Just what is going on? And, can any of the madness be stopped? Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


First of all, an apology for the late review. I had family in the hospital last week (doing better now) and am just now getting the chance to sit at home and write.  I’ll do my best to catch up and be more timely moving forward.

The best part of this issue (because I’m an old softie) is Jai and Foxy on the moon. Just like the old Silver Age Krypto, we get into Foxy’s thoughts as we progress through the story. And…Foxy IS a good doggo! Foxy is a good doggo who loves their pack (Flash Family) and wants nothing but the best for them. Jai’s and Foxy’s interactions are heartwarming…and they drive an important part of the overall storyline as well. By issue’s end, it may well be that Jai and Foxy will save the day…or at least save Wally in a critical moment (but we’ll have to wait for next issue to see for sure).

While all that is going on, we get a lot more of Eclipso’s story. He went up against Darkseid, and things didn’t go so well…at least that’s what it looked like at the time. However, Eclipso has been incorporated into some Atlantean machinery that has him seemingly more powerful than ever. He has been collecting and then venting anger…explaining some of the mysterious goings on with bursts of uncontrollable anger around the world. It even explains how one Wally (the one with the Flash Family) is having anger outbursts right now.

But the big part of the plan involves what Eclipso sees in Wally’s newfound powers – it may take Eclipso’s plans to new levels. Problem (for Eclipso) is that Wally has no powers right now. With Foxy not around, there are no special powers for Eclipso to tap into. That’s when he leave Wally at the mercy of a battle to the death! And that’s where we leave him for this issue, with Jai and Foxy possibly on the way.


  • The thread in this issue with Jai and Foxy was not just heartwarming but also the easiest to follow in the issue. Even with some of the strangeness of the situation, this part of the issue really worked well for me.
  • Eclipso’s motivations are basic…yet extremely complex in the telling. The thing to remember is just that Wally’s new and developing powers play a huge role in Eclipso’s plans, and finding a powerless Wally seemed to mess things up.
  • BTW – will Jim Corrigan/Spectre play a part in how this arc ends? Dunno for now but it would be cool to see.

SUMMARY: A good overall issue, with Jai and Foxy providing the most heartwarming parts of the arc so far. I’ll give this one a 8/10 – of course that’s just my opinion. What do YOU think? Leave your comments below!


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