Category Archives: Reviews

“…of Two Worlds” Review of ABSOLUTE FLASH #1

The ABSOLUTE lineup from DC has given us some pretty awesome tanks on our favorite heroes. Now, the Flash gets his turn in the spotlight in this strange new world of superpowered heroics. this is not like any FLASH story you have ever seen. There are familiar names, but in unfamiliar roles. Even our hero, Wally West, is only 15 years old… and he is scared. How well does this story fit into the ABSOLUTE universe? Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“As the Universe” Review of THE FLASH #18

The Flash Family has been split apart…at least their locations have been. Wally is with Wade and Black Canary and Nightwing and Mister Terrific, along with Linda and Irey. Meanwhile, Wally (yes, Wally) is with Eclipso, who is behind all this madness. As for Jai? He’s on the moon with our goodest doggo Foxy. Just what is going on? And, can any of the madness be stopped? Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“As Without” Review of THE FLASH #16

“I thought we were done with all the trippy science stuff” – Irey West

In spite of Irey’s quote, this volume of THE FLASH continues to be more than a little trippy – but we do have at least one thing confirmed that explains some of the strange happenings. Wally battles Weather Wizard, while Wally continues to be in the Watchtower – and that’s not the strangest thing going on. Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“So Below” Review of THE FLASH #15

Wally is enjoying a (very adventurous) vacation in Skartaris with his family. Meanwhile, Wally is…waitaminute…ALSO in the Watchtower? That’s where we left off last issue. Don’t worry, all will be explained, although it will more than slightly blow your mind. There are all sorts of dangers for both Wally and…Wally in this issue, and there are still plenty of mysteries to be explored. Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“As Above” Review of THE FLASH #14

We’ve just come through the trippiest FLASH arc ever (even more so than when Iris West’s conscience was placed into another body just before the original CRISIS). So, what’s up for the Flash family now? It’s time for a family vacation! Of course, nothing can happen in a normal way to the Flash family, so you know twists are just ahead. That, and a NEW COSTUME! Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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