Quick Thoughts: Twitter Through 2009-03-15

  • ABC’s video player: nice picture, but a FRIGGING PAIN to use. I shouldn’t have to go up to the comp & click a button after each commercial.
  • Watched the premiere of Castle. Could definitely watch more of this. Yeah, it’s Murder He Wrote as a cop-buddy show, but it’s fun so far.
  • Trying to decide whether to hit the comic store today, tomorrow, or just let it slide until next week
  • Logged into Comicon.com for first time since redesign. Couldn’t think of anything to say. Still have only one post. Must lurk for a bit.
  • WWLA would have started tomorrow if it hadn’t been canceled. Might have gone if they had guests who skipped WonderCon for MegaCon.
  • Getting hits from a site called halforum. Turns out it’s named for HAL 9000, not Hal Jordan. Or Half-O-Rum.
  • More thorough write-up of WonderCon Friday at my other blog
  • Best thing about Snakes on a Plane was the Cobra Starship song at the end. Thank you, #iPod for reminding me!
  • Cool! RT @iversecomics: Dynamo 5 and are available on iPhone and Android right now! Dynamo 5 is FREE — GO GET IT!
  • Post of the day: “if comic book fans aren’t complaining…the universe will explode. Do you want the universe to explode?”

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