Speed Reading: Then and Now

A few recent posts and articles looking at the history of the Flash in the context of Barry Allen’s return and Flash: Rebirth.

Mike Sterling’s Progressive Ruin contemplates the state of the Flash and the role of Rebirth.

Flash v.1 #223

The Absorbascon flashes back to the Silver Age and shows us some samples of Barry Allen’s characterization.

Robot 6’s Grumpy Old Fan contrasts Flash: Rebirth #1 with “Make Way for the Speed Demons,” a 1970s story from Flash v.1 #223, finding the new release too caught up in the little details to just tell a good story.

The Hurting is not impressed by the Flash at all.

Captain Comics looks at Barry Allen’s Silver-Age origins.

Crimson Lightning shares the results of the favorite Flash storyline quiz. Next up in the sidebar: How do you feel about Flash: Rebirth?

Speaking of polls, Mo pointed me to comic shop A Timeless Journey, currently running a Who’s Your Favorite Flash? poll on their site.

Finally, Collected Editions has a list of Top Flash Trade Paperbacks.


2 thoughts on “Speed Reading: Then and Now

  1. rwe1138

    Their title of “Top Flash Trade Paperbacks” is misleading, as it’s really “Every Flash Trade Paperback.”

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