Flash: Rebirth #6 Solicited!

Newsarama has a preview of DC’s September solicitations, including the conclusion to The Flash: Rebirth!

The Flash: Rebirth

Flash: Rebirth #6Written by Geoff Johns
Art and covers by Ethan Van Sciver

In a battle along the outskirts of time, the secrets of the Speed Force have been revealed! The new archnemesis of those who ride the lightning is coming for Iris Allen. And the Barry Allen you knew is gone forever…or is he? What change does Wally West face? What destiny will Kid Flash choose? Prepare to meet a Flash Family that’s both familiar and different…and get to the starting line for the next epic adventures of the Speed Force!

Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers. For every 25 copies of the Standard Edition (with a cover by Ethan Van Sciver), retailers may order one copy of the Variant Edition (with a cover by Ethan Van Sciver). Please see the Previews Order Form for more information.

On sale September 30 • 6 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Wow… my website (Flash: Those Who Ride the Lightning) has an arch-nemesis now! 😉

Also: It seems pretty clear who’s going to be wearing the costume at the end of this miniseries. Not that it was ever really in doubt.

I do have to wonder what they mean by the “new” arch-nemesis. The cover for gives me the sense that they’re combining the Black Flash and Professor Zoom (though that may have been misdirection on the pre-release cover to prevent spoilers). Someone on Comic Bloc (I’m too sleepy to look it up now) suggested that we may be seeing Malcolm Thawne take over the role of Professor Zoom.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if they’re combining all the opposite numbers into one? Eobard Thawne, Malcolm Thawne, Hunter Zolomon and the Black Flash, all in one entity?

Update: Geoff Johns confirms on Comic Bloc that this is not the final cover.


4 thoughts on “Flash: Rebirth #6 Solicited!

  1. papa zero

    I wouldn’t rule Malcolm Thawne out but if I’m not mistaken, he was born at the same time as Barry was and has spent most of his life in “our” era – which wouldn’t seem to go along with the clues that the villain would know our history or have a beef with Abra Kadabra.

    I had assumed that the issue #5 cover was more figurative in nature suggesting that the timeline had been changed rather than an actual Black Flash interfering. No crystal ball here though.

  2. Michael Welch

    I am so on the fence still even with this issue. I am and will always be a fan of The Flash and all characters who share that title. Whether it is Jay, Barry, Wally or Bart. The reason for me being on the fence about the whole Barry coming back thing is simple, why couldn’t they have done this same story with Wally? Then after reading this issue I understood it a bit more. Barry created the Speed Force, not Wally. If anything, Wally is now to be considered it’s greatest champion more so that Barry. He’s been there and done that more than Barry has now and his powers are infinitely greater. That said, I really hope the statement made by Geoff Johns about Wally kicking @$$ is not a lie.


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