Flash: Rebirth #4 Delayed

Flash: Rebirth #4DC has quietly rescheduled Flash: Rebirth #4 from July 22 to August 5 — a two-week delay for a book that was already scheduled at six weeks after the previous issue. No indication why, but DC did change the book from a 5-issue miniseries to a 6-issue miniseries. Even if Johns and Van Sciver were aiming for 6 issues from the start, it wouldn’t surprise me if they had some restructuring to do on .

So far, the schedules for issues and haven’t changed, so we could still see the series wrap by the end of September.

On a personal note, there’s a bit of a silver lining for me, since the original date was the zeroth day of Comic-Con International. I’d been trying to figure out the best way to buy the book, read it twice, and write up a full review on the same day that I’d be driving down to San Diego and attending Preview Night.

Update July 15: DC’s website now shows Flash: Rebirth with a release date of August 12. That’s a full 3 weeks after the original release date, and a full 2 months after the previous issue. At this point it seems likely that issues 5 and 6 will be pushed back as well.

Update August 24: It’s coming out this week.


3 thoughts on “Flash: Rebirth #4 Delayed

  1. MoonFlash

    Well, if it is for the good, I think we can wait.
    Maybe they want to take us in the slowpoke Barry mood! 😀


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