Geoff Johns Talks Flash and Flashpoint

CBR has posted a new installment of Geoff Johns Prime, the recurring question-and-answer feature with DC Comics’ Chief Creative Officer. In this one, he talks about Green Lantern, Brightest Day, what comics he reads…and of course the Flash.

Some of the speedy topics covered include working with Francis Manapul, writing Barry Allen vs. writing Wally West, and untangling the Reverse Flash’s timeline.

As for what’s coming up in The Flash:

Coming up, we’ll see a new supporting cast member, a new villain, the return of the Pied Piper, more on Captain Boomerang and, of course, the Flash Family as we race towards “Flashpoint.”

It’s nice to know we’ll see Piper again. He was set up to be a major player in Rogues’ Revenge, then sort of faded into the background. And I’m all for seeing more members of the Flash family.

He even dropped a little information about Flashpoint, the mysterious Andy Kubert-drawn story that was teased at the end of The Flash

“Flashpoint” is five-issue series that’s going to introduce a lot of new and familiar characters, focus on Barry Allen and the DCU and it’s out sometime next year.

Head over to CBR to read the whole feature.


5 thoughts on “Geoff Johns Talks Flash and Flashpoint

  1. kyer

    Read it and…am feeling more of that chill that we STILL are not going to be seeing much of Wally come Flashpoint’s ending. It’s only going to be five issues with the focus on Barry. You can count on that a lot of that focus will also be on the new villain, Piper, and the Rogues. While I’m thrilled to be seeing Piper again, I can’t shake the feeling that Wally, Bart, Jay will be cameos…with no real reassurance that Max will be seen at all since technically he isn’t ‘Flash’ Family.

    I do agree that Barry is about justice. That’s one of the reasons I loved -and still prefer- Wally. He was also grounded in right and wrong (well, after he met Linda anyway!), but also big on family and friends.

    Geoff seems pretty content with Barry being centered on CSI work and dealing with Rogues…neither of which I care a whit about. Don’t believe Barry has kept in touch with more than Iris and his coworkers since Rebirth? Come to that, has he met with Iris more than just exchanging type on some little tech gadget? The problem with two workaholics is that maintaining a relationship is hard… Is Iris going to be dropped by the wayside? Some of my favorite bits with Wally was when he was with Linda (Honeymooon havoc issues, anyone?)

    Don’t get me wrong–I’m not looking for Romance 24/7 or even 8/7. I like adventure and mystery too. But this ‘all work and no play’ isn’t helping me develop more than a ‘liking’ of Barry.

  2. Rob

    I agree.
    I’m willing to give Geoo time to re establish barry Allen in the DCU, but I’m getting anxious about the rest of the Flash family. Wally of course, in particular.

    I haven’t read or heard anything from either Geoff Johns or Dan Didio in regards to anyone having a solid plan/timeline in mind for reintroducing my favourite character.

    I hope as much thought and care is going into it as it did for Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern franchise.

  3. Mike W.

    Amazing how Barry hasn’t even been back for a year in his own book and people are already clamoring for more Wally! Well, I can’t disagree if they can have a dozen or so related Bat-titles can’t DC just squeeze out another Flash title every month and let the sales speak for themselves?


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