More Flash Rescheduling

DC’s website now shows Flash #5 coming out on September 15, and Flash #6 coming out on September 29.

Flash was originally scheduled for August 18 and has been pushed back several times. was originally September 22; this is its first (and if we’re lucky, only) slip.

Interestingly enough, Velocity #2 has also been rescheduled for September 15. Velocity #1 hit the same week as Flash #3. Flash #5 and Velocity #2 were both scheduled for August 25 at one point, were both later scheduled for September 8, and are now both scheduled for September 15. It’s as if the two speedster series have somehow become synchronized, with two issues of Flash for each issue of Velocity — despite being published by different companies!


8 thoughts on “More Flash Rescheduling

    1. cm22

      He’s really only writing Flash and Green Lantern right now. He co-writes Brightest day, but I imagine that’s mostly plotting. If he’s the one slowing production up (which I doubt since 6 will probably come out on time) it’s more because of all of his extended responsibilities like having to do all the work on the GL movie for continuity and such.

      Most likely though it’s Manapul, he can do monthly pencils, but doing layouts, then the watercolor, then sending it off so that the rest of the team can color etc etc has to slow him down some.

      But I could be wrong, usually I attribute delays to artists (with good reason I think).

      1. Kelson Post author

        Well, there was that TV series that he expected to be a one-week studio commitment that turned into 6 months of travel, during which he was staying up until 3AM to draw pages. Something like that could throw off anyone’s schedule.

  1. Kyer

    As long as it doesn’t throw back the date for Flashpoint and Speedforce, I don’t much care if I have to wait longer for the DDotR TB. -_-;;


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