Flash/Flashpoint Bits from Comic-Con

I missed the Flashpoint panel at Comic-Con, but Flash-related news can be pieced together from CBR’s report, Newsarama’s liveblog (which, due to technical difficulties, was only visible after the panel ended), and @SpeedsterSite was there live-tweeting the panel.

Kid Flash Lost

Newsarama quotes Sterling Gates: “Issue is sort of a love letter to the Flash family. It’s very much about Bart and his relationship with the Flash family.” CBR continues, “Bart Allen is my favorite character so it was a pleasure to write this story.”

Scott Kolins is coming in to do a few pages of Kid Flash.

Gates via CBR: “The end of issue dovetails into ‘Flashpoint’ in a way that I don’t think a lot of people are expecting, and we do something with the Speed Force that’s never been done before”

On the Unexpected: CBR: “Gates said he was excited for the unexpected matchups possible in Flashpoint.‘”Where else do you get to see Kid Flash fight Brainiac?'” Newsarama: “Nome says that Gates threw a lot of ‘crazy stuff’ at him in the scripting of the Kid Flash miniseries.”

Other Flashes


So there was a reason to include John Fox in that Flash Secret Files book last year.


Newsarama says a question about Wally West “got a lot of applause,” and noted that he would appear in Kid Flash . According to CBR, Gates stated that “Wally will show up in ‘Kid Flash’ , and not in the way you expect.”

Citizen Cold

A fan asked: why Captain Cold? Newsarama: “Berganza noted Geoff Johns’ fondness for Captain Cold as motivation.”


8 thoughts on “Flash/Flashpoint Bits from Comic-Con

  1. Kyer

    I can see that for the sake of my blood pressure I’m going to need to steer clear of any news sites for the week.
    (At least I know why Fox never showed and the fact that we’re going to learn the fate of Jay in this…feels me with a sense of dread. I came into these Flashpoint Flash offshoot books with a sense of some hope and each hope has so far been squashed like a bug under a steamroller moving on flatly smooth stainless steel.

    So far we know that Wally is in the book because of that picture. I’m not daring to hope that he’ll be in it *beyond* that picture or that if he is in it more than that then the details will be any more palatable than they were during Citizen Cold #1.

  2. Steve

    I like John Fox. I would have liked to opportunity to see himj one last time. Also, on a more practical level, why give Hot Pursuit more of a push when he/she’s a brand new character who will be gonzo by the end of Flashpoint? If it’s about the legacy of the Flash book, John has more of a reason to be there than Hot Pursuit.

  3. Steve

    The first Flash comic I ever read was Mark Waid’s huge anniversary issue, so my first introduction to John Fox was not as a gimmick, but as a Flash every bit the equal of Barry, Wally, and Jay, and just as important to them in the overall legacy.

  4. Kyer

    Yeah, John Fox and Walter West were my favorite non-Flash/Flashes (if that makes sense?) Bad enough they never gave Walter closure after that heartbreaking issue…but to oust Fox in favor of:

    Spoiler Alert!
    To oust Fox in favor of an alter-Barry and a bye-gone old friend of Barry’s…that’s kind of rotten; plus, I’ve not exactly been enamored of Geoff John’s choices since he wrote Barry as the Flash (beyond GL) so this is…this quite frankly makes me rather angry. There had better be a danged good reason for it that I can’t see (mainly because Flashpoint is rather a dead end continuity wise so what could possibly be his reasons for wanting a character change?)

  5. Lia

    A fan asked: why Captain Cold? Newsarama: “Berganza noted Geoff Johns’ fondness for Captain Cold as motivation.”

    That one’s pretty obvious, actually :>

  6. Brett

    Eager to hear your thoughts on then ending of Barry-Iris marriage.

    Manapul announced it at the last new 52 panel today according to newsarama.

    1. Kyer

      A no brainer: so the writers can have Barry be a playboy like Wally was during his early years, because, you know, revisitng Barry’s youth will draw more fans than the Flash most…ah…skip it.

      It’s all about the freedom, baby. All about the freedom. (That was sarcasm, btw.)

  7. kyer

    “Wally will show up in ‘Kid Flash’ #3, and not in the way you expect.”

    I dunno, man. My imagination is pretty big. I can envision you and DC doing everything from Wally as a decaying corpse to Wally as Brainiac.


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