My favourite Flash memory

As odd as it may sound, I think my favourite Flash memory might be related to the Justice League Unlimited episode “Flash And Substance”. I got into comics through Marvel, and for years had no interest in the DC universe. But eventually I slowly dipped my toe into the DC pool, for a variety of reasons that could really be detailed in its own post.

I didn’t watch every episode of JLU (and still haven’t seen them all — that should really be rectified someday), but was rather excited to hear there would be a Flash Rogues episode. I was fairly new to the Rogues at the time, but definitely made certain to watch when it aired. I enjoyed the episode, which was a lot of fun and probably made me like the Rogues (and Flash!) even more.

Time passed, and I learned more about the Rogues and Flashverse. At some point I watched the episode again, and was delighted by how many more easter eggs I recognized that I’d not understood before (the scene in the Flash Museum is particularly great for all the visual references crammed in there). I was tickled by all the character cameos I now recognized.

Yet more time passed, and I continued to learn more about the Flashverse. When I watched the episode for the third time, there were even more references I understood. That’s the sign of a great episode: I was never left confused by the stuff I didn’t understand, it merely went over my head. But there’s a wealth of riches to be found in it if you know what to look for, and it’s great fun for Flash fans.

So in addition to being my favourite episode of the series, I have fond memories of watching it repeatedly and realizing that I was understanding more about the Rogues and Flashverse. It actually became better and more enjoyable with each viewing. I’ve long since reached the point where I think I get all the references, and in a way that’s kind of sad because there won’t be any new easter eggs to discover, but it’s also a triumph too. And I still love re-watching it.

I tip my hat to the creative team of the show — not only did they produce a quality episode, but I have happy memories associated with watching it, and for that they deserve thanks.


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About Lia

Lia is a Canadian fan of the Flashes and the Rogues. She's particularly interested in memorabilia of the Rogues and Reverse Flashes, collecting art, and memorizing a whole lot of pointless trivia. She may be the world's only diehard fan of the Top due to a love of hopeless causes, and she runs a fan blog on Tumblr, known as gorogues or The Rogues Kick Ass.

4 thoughts on “My favourite Flash memory

  1. alice_roared

    That’s one of my favourite episodes too! I love Wally and Michael Rosenbaum is the perfect voice for him. <3 My favourite Flash memory has to be Wally in Young Justice, picking up Artemis and kissing her (FINALLY!) on New Year's Eve. Or just one of his funny moments in YJ. It's hard to pick, he's hilarious.

  2. Savitar

    This episode and the one where Wally and Luthor switch bodies are my favorite Flash episodes of JLU.

    The scene where, in Wally’s body, Luthor takes off his mask, stares into a mirror for a second and says, “I have no idea who this is!” Priceless! 🙂

  3. Kelson

    Oh, yeah! That was one of the first JLU episodes I saw too. I was a Flash fan from way back, but the Justice League cartoon didn’t really grab me when it first aired, and then I dropped cable to save money, so it wasn’t until I heard the Flash was getting his own episode that I made the effort to try to see it. I think it was around this time that I started looking for the episodes on Netflix, and I finally bought the boxed set when it was available.

    Interesting how some of my favorite episodes are the funny ones: this, the Great Brain Robbery, and the Booster Gold episode (“Thank you, Green Lantern!”) really stand out.


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