NC Comicon in Durham NC Nov 9-10 featured a lot of excellent cosplayers…and thankfully quite a few Flash fans in familiar red t-shirts with lightning bolts. Below are the Flash fans we saw, both old and young…along with an additional pic or two of some of the other awesome cosplays we saw there!
Just click on any pic to get a larger version. Enjoy!
- The entrance to the Durham (North Carolina) Convention Center, where NC Comicon was held.
- The lines were this long even in the afternoon on the first day of the con. Really great crowd!
- This Flash has the perfect pose for his pic!
- The Flash takes off his mask to share a pose with his brother Thor.
- Flash fans were easy to find with those familiar red t-shirts.
- And more fans of every age were at the con.
- …and even more fans!
- See what I mean? More fans!
- And one more Flash fan for good measure!
- This Superman and Wonder Woman make personal appearances across the USA, with a large variety of costumes representing different eras and looks.
- Perry White (me – check the badge I’m wearing) meets Superman, who seemed to be one of the very few who got my cosplay (give me a break, first time cosplayer here). No, Jimmy Olsen didn’t take the pic. 🙂
- This Doctor Who cosplay, complete with Dalek, was so awesome I had to included it here. And yes, a person CAN fit inside the Dalek!
- Raven…looking for Kid Flash and the other Titans, possibly.
- Doctor Fate strikes a pose!
- This Two Face came complete with coin…hope it lands with the unscarred side up!
- And to prove this is fun for families as well…just take a look at this group!
Gah! Wonder Woman dumped Superman for The Joker and left with their kid?!
Nice shirt choice there, Two-Face.
Daleks. So handy to invite over for when you have both plumbing and pest problems.