The Explosive Trial! Review of Teen Titans #27

Teen Titans 27 coverBart Allen…er, Bar Torr is on trial in the bleak future that he left, a prisoner of the Functionary that had sent him to our time as part of their “Witness Protection Program”.  The other Titans are there, having learned just how far Kid Flash had gone in his earlier fight against the rulers of his time.  Now, the Titans seem helpless as they watch the lead-up to a massive show trial…and that’s where we pick up to Teen Titans #27.


Solstice and Red Robin start this issue off with a heart-to-heart about what has happened so far, followed by a very strange conversation between Kid Flash and Wonder Girl.  Meanwhile, Superboy (the Jon Lane Kent variety) is barely controlling his urge to wipe out his teammates, but for now he stays under control.  As for the trial of the milennia?  It’s attended by everyone who is anyone in the Functionary, as this is going to be quite a spectacle.  More than that I can’t say….except that this story isn’t over yet, not by a long shot.  That may be a good thing…all I can say without spoilering too much here is that pre-New52 Bart fans will likely be raging by the end of this issue.  Just keep in mind that this is part of a larger story…and there are certainly a few more twists in store.

Scott Lobdell has been upping the ante with every issue, writing some highly entertaining tales as this series winds down to a reported finale with issue .  This is no exception, with a blockbuster of a twist that will definitely have fans talking for quite some time.  I certainly have some wishes for what happens next…but for now I’ll just anxiously await the next issue.  The artwork is excellent, with some spectacular effects that make the trial – and the events near the end of this issue – even more amazing.  Scott McDaniel handled breakdowns, with pencils by Tyler Kirkham, inks by Art Thibert and colors by Arif Prianto.  I’m not sure what will follow this issue…but it is one that is certain to have Bart fans buzzing for a very long time.


3 thoughts on “The Explosive Trial! Review of Teen Titans #27

  1. mign82

    “Just keep in mind that this is part of a larger story…and there are certainly a few more twists in store.”
    I hope so. I really do. I hope one of those twists is that’s not the real Bart. That’s the only way I’ll be able to overcome this.

  2. Steve

    Is this Bart immune to changes in the past? Because if he’s not, actions by his teammates in the past may very well change who future Bart becomes.


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