Review – Episode 120 of THE FLASH “The Trap”

This week’s episode of THE FLASH is packed with reveals, from little facts that will surprise you to some events with big-time implications for our cast of characters. In one of the better episodes of the season, you’ll find…well, let’s just catch up after the jump!


We pick up with Barry, Caitlin and Cisco looking at that future newspaper, and they learn some surprising facts. This wasn’t about the Crisis on Infinite Earths – no, the Flash disappeared after a battle with the Reverse Flash. And, the byline on the story was most interesting as well – Iris West-Allen!

Just then, Gideon boots up and talks to the group, recognizing Barry Allen as the Director of the CSI division for the CCPD and also recognizing Barry as its creator! They exit the secret room just before Wells arrives, and begin to formulate a plan to get Wells to confess.

Meanwhile, Eddie is preparing to propose to Iris and asks for Joe’s blessing…which Joe refuses to give! The proposal does play into later events in the episode…but for now we cut to the West house where Eddie, Joe, Barry, Cisco and Caitlin talk about their plans, based on first getting into Cisco’s “dream” of being killed by Wells in that alternate timeline.

Caitlin has an idea about a means to get the info using lucid dreams, and Cisco helps her prepare a set of goggles that are suspiciously “Vibe” like in their appearance. We later follow Cisco through that alternate timeline as he describes Wells’ confession and murder attempt. Barry figures that if they can create a similar setup (with more protection for Cisco) they can get Wells to confess and free Barry’s dad.

That plan doesn’t quite work out the way they thought – Wells has been observing all of them from the very beginning and sets them up for failure. He then taunts the group and promises that he and Barry will meet again, and soon!

Barry rushes to find Iris. Eddie is about to propose when the Reverse Flash comes on the scene! Just as he is about to strike a fatal blow, The Flash arrives and Wells runs off with Eddie in tow! Eddie isn’t in any real danger as Wells reveals his real name to Eddie…I’m sure we’ll see more about that in future episodes. As Barry gets ready to go after them, he lets down his guard just enough that Iris now knows Barry is the Flash!

EPILOGUE – is almost a prologue here as we go back to Wells watching over Barry before he woke up from the accelerator accident. That famous line from the preview clips “you will die” is spoken here, and we cut to the credits.

SUMMARY – This was an episode jam-packed with big moments for our cast, as several key plot points finally come to light for Barry and company to see. We’ve reached a significant turning point in the series, where Wells/Thawne can freely act as the villain we know him to be – and where the battles can only escalate from here. I loved this episode – what about you? Please add your comments below.


3 thoughts on “Review – Episode 120 of THE FLASH “The Trap”

  1. Scott Timms

    Great episode! Why when Cisco was flipping out in his “dream” did they not just take off the glasses? Grant G.’s acting is just getting better each week. I laugh so hard at Cisco’s comment about the shade of red and white symbol. It just shows they have a pulse on the comic fans who watch the show. I cant wait for the home stretch.

  2. Golddragon71

    The thing that keeps twisting my brain is the fact that Thawne/Wells has already had this long, drawn out feud with the Flash that CULMINATED in the chase that led to the death of Barry’s mother, Thawne killing the real Wells and taking his place for fifteen years and finally having (from his perspective) final showdown with the Flash. At some point we’re going to have to see Barry facing a younger, Thawne for the first time in Thawne’s career.

  3. SuperFlash

    I knew they were not going to be able to trap Wells because Eobard Thawne is smarter than them. But that only made the episode more interesting than predictable because we did not know how Wells was going to “reverse” the trap.


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