Monthly Archives: October 2018

DC Announces Flash: Year One

Flash creators Joshua Williamson and Howard Porter will be releasing an upcoming story called The Flash: Year One in 2019, though not many details have been released yet. However, CBR notes that it’s confirmed to be in canon, and Newsarama says the story will detail how Barry worked through the trauma of his mother’s murder and father’s arrest. The art depicts a youthful Barry, so it clearly takes place rather early in his life. It will apparently be published within the core Flash title, not as a separate mini-series.

This is a subject which hasn’t been covered much since the plot point of his mother’s murder was introduced, so it could be an interesting story. What does everyone hope to see in it?

Bart Allen Will Be Part Of A New DC Imprint

DC has announced a new youth-oriented imprint called ‘Wonder Comics’ which will debut in 2019, and its flagship title will be a new Young Justice book. There are few details as of yet, since the announcement was more about the imprint than its titles, but the Young Justice book will star Impulse (Bart Allen), Superboy (Conner Kent), and Robin (Tim Drake) and will be written by Brian Michael Bendis. You can read more at The Hollywood Reporter.

Seeing Bart Allen again is exciting news, as he returned in the Flash title at the end of “Flash War” but hasn’t been seen since. At Fan Expo, Joshua Williamson announced at a DC panel that Bart would be appearing in another title before returning to the core Flash book, and it seems that the unnamed title is Young Justice.

Looking forward to seeing Bart in action again? Any interest in the other ‘Wonder Comics’ imprints? Share your thoughts here!

I Am So Tired of Dead Speedsters

Killing off another Flash for shock value in another book with Crisis in the title is lazy. Killing off yet another Titan for shock value is lazy. Killing off a former headliner who shares a title with another character who’s currently starring in their own book so you can kill an A-lister without actually killing off a current book is lazy.

These were shocking years ago. Now they’re cliches.

And killing off a character who still has story potential is just plain wasteful.

I’m still waiting for that more optimistic DCU that DC: Rebirth was supposed to usher in.

Yes, you *can* have a Crisis without a dead Flash.

A little creativity, please!

— Speed Force (@SpeedForceOrg) July 20, 2018