Newsarama is running a series of interviews on the theme, “Geoff Johns Still Writes Comics.” today’s installment focuses on his work on The Flash. As usual, he drops a few hints, but remains mostly cagey about the details. He does make the interesting point that while he’s trying to build up the Flash universe (similar to his success with Green Lantern), he’s not trying to build it up in the same way. “Flashpoint is nothing like any of the Green Lantern events. It’s not a Flash army vs. a Reverse-Flash army.”
Also of note: IESB reports that the movies Green Lantern 2 and The Flash are planned for Summer 2013.
Really interesting interview… very focused on what Flashpoint is not but fewer hints as to what it is. Hearing that lettered Flaspoint #1 is already on his desk is encouraging.
I’m glad he’s willing to acknowledge Flash is different than GL and he isn’t looking to replicate GL except in terms of growth / characters / creators… now to see it in practice!