Tag Archives: Avery

Big Reveal “After The Storm” – Review of THE FLASH #45

Grodd has been defeated and Central City is finally safe (if a bit worse for the wear).  As we take a breath and prepare for “Flash War”, there are still some big events to be found in this issue. We have to wrap up a lot of things – what happened to Meena, to Godspeed, to Central City itself – and what about Wally? For a “breather” issue, this one had a lot to offer. Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“End of the Race” – Review of THE FLASH #42

Grodd has stripped Barry Allen of his powers. All of Central City has been frozen in a moment of time as Grodd continues to take increasing control of the Speed Force, and if he succeeds everyone in Central City will die! Barry is on a desperate hunt for a way to regain his powers…so desperate that he has freed Godspeed from Iron Heights! All of this is coming to a head as we reach Part Four of the “Perfect Storm” arc. Can Barry regain his powers? Will he alienate the entire Flash family in the attempt? And, can anyone stop Grodd? Want to find out more? Follow us after the jump!


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