Tag Archives: Contest

Design and Win Your Own Flash Ring Contest!

About a week ago I did a feature on ArrobaSilver and the fantastic superhero-themed jewelry they produce. They mentioned to me that they wanted more input from real comic book fans about designs for their pieces (which include DC Comics themed rings, pendants, earrings, and cufflinks) . To that end I proposed to them this:

Speedforce.org’s very first contest sponsored by ArrobaSilver!

I know there are a tons of fans out there who would love to have their own custom Flash memorabilia and now is the perfect chance to get a custom-designed, high-quality, ultra-detailed officially licensed Flash ring for free!

The Ring Design can be hand-drawn, digitally produced or even a model. Be creative but stay within reason. Using the many ring designs available on ArrobaSilver.com as a base to build off of is a surefire way to guarantee entry.

The contest begins this Monday, March 15, 2010 at 12:00:01 p.m. Eastern Time, and ends Monday, April 26, 2010 at 11:59:59 a.m. Eastern Time. So you guys have a little over a month to get your designs together and email them to: DesignYourOwnFlashRing@yahoo.com

Official Contest Rules after the break:

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DC Trivia Contest: Win a Signed Flash #1 through Twitter

DC has announced a contest for a signed copy of the upcoming Flash #1. During the week leading up to the April 14 release, the @DC_Nation Twitter account will post one Flash trivia question each day. The first five fans to answer each question correctly will be “eligible to win” a signed copy of the launch.

It’s not clear how many copies they’ll award, or how they’ll choose which of the up-to-35 eligible respondents will win them. They don’t actually come out and say that it’s Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul doing the signing, though it seems a safe bet.

Details will be announced on April 7.