Tag Archives: CSBG Cool Comics

Speed Reading: Mirrors and Rainbows Addicted to Crime

Some links of note before this holiday weekend:

Flashy Links

Comics Should Be Good’s Year of Comic Book Moments features Flash v.2 #73, Wally and Linda’s first Christmas together and a surprise visit from the man in red.

Somehow I missed this when it was posted, but Mightygodking has an off-kilter profile of the Rainbow Raider.

Comic Coverage looks at the time Mirror Master managed to transform the Flash into a mirror.

Silver Age Comics looks at the way crime was treated as an addiction in many comics of the era, particularly The Flash — again focusing on the Mirror Master.

Update: Karl Kerschl has posted a progress shot of the Flash being inked for Wednesday Comics.

Whirlwind Tour

The Source previews what’s in store for Justice Society of America as Bill Willingham, Matt Sturges and Jesus Merino take over the book.

Darcey McLaughlin of the Miramichi Leader notes that death has lost all meaning in comic books.

Scott’s Classic Comics Corner (Comics Should Be Good) has an interesting post on measuring scarcity in comics collecting.

Karl Kerschl’s (Flash in Wednesday Comics) webcomic, The Abominable Charles Christopher, has reached its 100th episode.

Finally, if you’ll excuse the plug, please take a look at my eBay auctions if you haven’t recently. I’ve got several DVDs and CDs up right now, as well as a promotional Star Trek T-shirt from San Diego 2007.

Flash Pieta Covers

Comics Should Be Good has a feature on the top 10 Pieta covers — covers inspired by Michelangelo’s statue, Pietà, of Mary holding the lifeless body of Jesus. The most famous of these covers is probably George Pérez’ cover for Crisis on Infinite Earths #7, the death of Supergirl.

One Flash cover made the cut: Flash v.1 #305, in which Barry Allen and Jay Garrick each hold their dead wives. (It turned out Joan wasn’t actually dead. And Iris got better…eventually.)

There’s at least one more Flash cover that fits the bill: The full cover for Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #13, featuring the Black Flash carrying the lifeless body of Bart Allen.

This was the cover that set me looking for examples of dead Flash covers last year — and it’s amazing how many there are!