Tag Archives: Panels & Pages

Super Stupor on Resurrection and Legacies

Cartoonist R.K. Milholland of Something Positive has been working on an occasional strip called Super Stupor since December, applying his usual twisted humor to the everyday lives of super-heroes and villains. At this year’s Comic-Con, he was selling a short Super Stupor comic book in which villains attack a super-hero convention.

Before the battle, the book has glimpses of the convention itself, including a “Heroic Deaths Q&A” session featuring Death himself as a panelist:

A fan asks Death whether bringing heroes back from the dead is insulting to their legacies.  Death...is sarcastic.

It seemed topical.

Super Stupor features adult language, adult content, and a very sick, twisted and offensive sense of humor. If any of that offends you, or is likely to get you in trouble, you probably shouldn’t look at it.

If you’re okay with that sort of thing, there’s an interesting commentary on the “Women in Refrigerators” cliche in the archive.