Tag Archives: Ralph Dibny

“The Elongated Knight Rises” Review of THE FLASH S4 Ep11

Barry is in jail, having been wrongly convicted of the murder of Clifford DeVoe. He currently inhabits his father’s old cell, and is out of action as the Scarlet Speedster. What happens to Central City in his absence? A lot, apparently…so who comes to the rescue? Well, this episode IS called “The Elongated Knight Rises”…

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“When Harry Met Harry” Review of S4 Ep6 of THE FLASH

Ralph Dibny is learning how to be a hero. He even gets his own (awful) suit, with a color that should be familiar to at least some comics fans…but still awful. He has a lot of education ahead of him…it’s a bit of a “stretch” to say he’s a hero yet (couldn’t resist that) but he is at least putting forth the effort.  Meanwhile, we see the “Council of Wells”…which is an experience in an of itself. All this plus the debut of the DCTV version of Black Bison! Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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