Tag Archives: Van Jensen

Media Blitz! New Flash Writers on Police Stories, Future Flash and Wally West (via Newsarama)

Incoming Flash writers Robert Venditti and Van Jensen are featured today over at Newsarama in a thorough interview on their approach to and plans for their run, which begins in April with issue .


The two touch on their plans for the reintroduction of Wally West, as well as their focus on Barry Allen’s law-enforcement methods and the unique identity of Central City. Follow the jump for the latest!

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New FLASH Creative Team, Annual 3, and yes, Wally West

In an article at USA Today, DC Comics announced some major Flash news.

First, the new creative team will be co-writers Robert Venditti and Van Jensen (Green Lantern Corps) with artist Brett Booth (Teen Titans). They’ll take over with Flash on April 23.

Venditti on the appeal of the Flash: “From a very young age, one of the first things you want to be able to do is run fast,” the writer says. “You don’t want to fly, you don’t want to have a ring that makes constructs out of light. It’s just a simple, basic thing: ‘I want to be able to run fast.'”

Flash #30

Second, Flash Annual hits the following week…and will reintroduce Wally West, DC’s original Kid Flash and the main Flash from 1986-2008.

Flash Annual #3

This isn’t a cryptic remark from Dan Didio. This is a clear statement in a national newspaper. Wally West is returning. In what form, in what role, remains to be seen. This black-suited speedster could be him, or it could be someone else. Brett Booth has long championed the idea of bringing Wally West into the New 52, and went so far as to design a costume for him back when the New 52 was young.

(Images via Newsarama)