Flash #6 Variant Cover by Ale Garza

DC has posted four variant covers on The Source, including Ale Garza’s cover for The Flash #6. Edit: The solicitation credits Ale Garza and Sandra Hope. I can’t read the signatures, so I’m guessing she’s the inker.

The first four issues of the series featured alternate covers that had little to do with the story: the Flash running, or changing into his costume. The fifth (coming late September) will be part of the massive 12-part White Lantern image for Brightest Day. This is the first one to relate directly to the story, featuring the Flash vs. the Renegades.

The Flash is currently scheduled for October 27.


One thought on “Flash #6 Variant Cover by Ale Garza

  1. Wayne Lippa

    Hmmm… I don’t like that cover nearly as much as I’ve liked the previous ones. But I’m down for it at my LCS so I’ll be getting it anyway. Curse my collector mentality!


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