Rogues’ Revenge Preview

Newsarama has posted a 5-page preview of Final Crisis: Rogues’ Revenge #1, due in stores on Wednesday.

One of the best things about Geoff Johns’ run on The Flash was his handle on the Rogues. During his time on the book, he did five “Rogue Profile” issues, each with one of the villains as the viewpoint character. He’d get inside their heads, show how they thought, why they ran around with high-tech mirrors, or freeze guns, etc. When he left the book, I’d kind of hoped he’d drop in once a year or so to do another Rogue issue between the regular writers’ story arcs. Obviously, it didn’t happen

The preview pages show that Johns’ characterization is still spot-on, and the art by Scott Kolins shows a team of villains who have been through hell. (Actually, they have been through hell, but that was a while back, between Underworld Unleashed and “Hell to Pay.”)

(Thanks to Craig M.D. for pointing this one out.)


4 thoughts on “Rogues’ Revenge Preview

  1. The Human Tornado

    Only have one small gripe. Why is Weather Wizard in possession of the weather wand again? I thought he got over his need for it and learned to use the power on his own. Unless I missed something…

  2. Dan

    Love Cold’s line “I need a damn beer” it’s good havin’ him back and the darker style of art is great too.

    Speakin of dark the ‘rama has the new MK vs DCU trailer up too. While the Flashes moves are arguably the coolest on the trailer the fatality at the end doesn’t bode well for the scarlet speedster.

    .-= Dan’s latest blog post: MOVIE REVIEW: Hancock =-.


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