Quick Thoughts: Twitter Through 2009-02-15

  • Hey, WonderCon, given any thought to posting your schedule? I have a trip to plan and I need to know how many days I’ll be at the con!
  • Finally gave up on Heroes, at least for this season. I just can’t watch this for the next 2.5 months.
  • RT @hbkb9 Scott Porter rumored to be in the running to play the Flash
  • Aha! #SanDiego #ComicCon hotels open on March 19!
  • And the WonderCon schedule has been posted as well!
  • Comicbook.com “Power Up” plugin for self-hosted WordPress blogs
  • Fixed comment preview on iPhone/Android, but found a bug in Android that gives you a 404 when you post a comment. It does post, though.
  • Bought this week: Batman, REBELS, Fables, Booster Gold. On Wednesday. Still haven’t read any of them yet. *sigh*

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