Flash News from Wizard World and HeroesCon (Updated)

A few interesting notes from this weekend’s conventions, HeroesCon in Charlotte, North Carolina and WizardWorld Philadelphia.

Wednesday Comics

Newsarama’s writeup of DC Nation at HeroesCon has the most direct Flash news. Ian Sattler showed of a copy of Wednesday Comics and talked about the series:

Sattler said that the Flash story features Flash Comics on the top of the page and Iris West Comics on the bottom half, but halfway through the story, the two meet and join, as the Flash literally and figuratively “runs” into Iris’ story.

I love this idea. It’s the kind of thing that only really makes sense in a comic-book format, as well. If you did it as a movie, it would just be alternating scenes with each protagonist until they meet.

Kid Flash

Newsarama also says that when a fan asked Ethan Van Sciver why Superboy gets a new series but Kid Flash doesn’t, the artist responded, “We’re going to make you so happy in Rebirth.”

From the way it was presented, it sounds like a non-sequitur. Presumably he means that Bart Allen will have a bigger role in the second half of the miniseries. I don’t really expect to turn to the last page of issue and see a Kid Flash series announced, though certainly stranger things have happened.

The other item of interest comes from Wizard World Philadelpha. CBR’s writeup of Philly’s DC Nation included a segment in which Dan Didio talked about Teen Titans.

DiDio said fans will start seeing a more stable team starting with issue #75, adding that a “couple of returning characters are going to be coming back in”

Now, I’m probably reading too much into this, but Superboy and Kid Flash both returned pretty recently. How many Teen Titans readers would like to see them back on the team?

Following Through

Update: CBR’s article on HeroesCon’s DC Nation has a few details missing from the Newsarama version.

First, Ethan Van Sciver talked more about Flash: Rebirth:

“It’s the best thing to be doing right now,” Van Sciver said. “Geoff Johns and I have a very large vision for these characters.” He said they’re planting “little tentpoles” and have big plans for Bart Allen.

This puts the other remark about Bart into context…though of course, what those plans might be remain in the “wait and see” corner.

A fan also asked EVS about the fate of Rival, and he simply said, “What happens in the Speed Force stays in the Speed Force.”

Another fan wanted Barry Allen to wear bow ties in Justice League of America, but new artist Mark Bagley declined, saying he (Bagley? Barry?) “doesn’t own a single tie.”

Seriously, what is it with the bow tie?


5 thoughts on “Flash News from Wizard World and HeroesCon (Updated)

  1. Craig MD

    Would love to see Superboy and Kid Flash back in Teen Titans, though it would certainly be a different title without Robin (Tim Drake). I hope they keep Aquagirl, Static and Blue Beetle in the line-up though.

  2. heffison

    The Teen Titans needs to get the junior versions of the JLA heavies back. This means Bart, Tim and Conner, along with Cassie. From that base, add in the B- and C-listers they want us to grow to love. That’s the only formula that will make a successful Teen Titans line-up and save the book.

    If Tim has to do it as Red Robin, fine, and maybe the other Titans will rag him about that stupid cowl until it goes away.

    Wouldn’t it be a hoot if Bart decides to go back to being Impulse at the end of Rebirth?

    1. Dreamreaver

      Wouldn’t it be a hoot if Bart decides to go back to being Impulse at the end of Rebirth?

      God knows a lot of us would cheer.

      1. Kelson Post author

        On one hand I’d love it. It seemed like all the fun was sucked out of Bart during the transition from Impulse to Kid Flash, and it always felt forced.

        On the other hand, it makes me feel like I’m being one of those people who want everything to be the way it was when I was 12, regardless of character and/or story progression.

        And in the last few months, with Lo3W and Rebirth, I do think that Geoff Johns has finally found Bart’s voice. For the first time, I’m okay with Bart being Kid Flash.

  3. Angel

    If Bart turned back into Impulse as much as I would love that, it would seem a little counter progressive. I’m settling in to Kid Flash since hes beginning to have more personality, beginning to act more like Bart. Somewhere down the line it was like, woah, who is this now?

    I’m up for a new Bart Allen book!! Ill just be patiently waiting until they decide to do so.


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