We just received an email from Joey Forlini the winner of Speed Force and Arroba Silver’s Design and Win Your Own Flash Ring Contest that we cosponsored a few months back. He just received the final result of his custom Flash ring design and sent us some great pictures:
First, the original winning design:
Wow. A great design turned into a fantastic piece of jewelry. We have not received word about when the ring will be available for ordering but we will definitely keep you all updated. In the meantime you can check out the Arroba Silver website HERE. Officially licensed by DC Comics to sell DC Comic-related jewelry, Arroba Silver has a wide variety of rings, earrings and even cufflinks inspired by the world’s greatest superheroes and most notorious supervillains (except for the Rogues who are horribly underrepresented and don’t like being called supervillains). They are still offering readers of Speed Force a 10% discount on any order. Go to Arrobasilver.com, pick your items, enter code: GA001 during checkout, and save 10%.
For all that entered, followed the contest, and check out this site, thank you again for all the support. You helped make this contest a huge success and we hope to get something like it going again sometime soon. (I know we keep saying that but I promise something awesome is coming up)
Oh and before I forget Joey also sent me an flashtastic picture of a smart car his local comic shop owner had customized to promote his store, The 4th Wall:
You can visit the store’s online website, HERE. Based in Canada, they aim to make comics as accessible as possible by bringing a friendly atmosphere for new and old readers to their store. Plus they price all of their books at U.S. prices. So if you are in Canada and looking to save a few bucks drop by. You might still be able to see that car too.
Pictured in the photo is our contest winner, Joey Forlini.
Thanks for reading.
The ring looks great.
I love the car too. About a year ago a friend sent me a picture of a car with the Flash painted on the back. He joked that it would be impossible to get out of a speeding ticket.
Hey !
Thank you for the great post! I still think I look pretty dam funny on that pic haha! I love the ring! I bring it and show it to all the comic book I go 😀
all the comic book shop**
Fantastic! The ring looks great.
And so does that car. Those things are faster than they look, too – I actually got passed by one on the freeway once!
Ran across another Flash car.