For those who missed the preview in DC’s Free Comic Book Day offering this weekend, you can catch several pages of the 8-page preview online at USA Today and at Comics Nexus.
The pages at USA Today answer another question that has had speedster fans confused since Saturday: a possible new speedster in the Flash Family panel. Fans had been debating whether she was a horribly mis-colored XS or a new character. The USA Today pages have been corrected, making it clear that yes, she’s meant to be XS.
Good to know, though I have to wonder how getting a character’s skin, hair and costume all wrong made it as far as the printed copy of a high-profile promotional book. (Though I suspect DC put far more effort into the Green Lantern part of the book, because, let’s be honest: a big summer movie trumps a big summer comic book every time.)
[Update: DC Women Kicking Ass has the panel in question, with the printed FCBD and corrected online versions. (via Bleeding Cool)]
Along with the preview, USA Today interviews Geoff Johns, Andy Kubert and others about the event.
Thanks Kelson, for finally clearing this up. It was driving me crazy. That’s a lot of coloring errors. Who colors a book and thinks, “well, I’ve never seen this character before, so I think I’ll just make her colors up, I’m sure no one will notice.”
“…I have to wonder how getting a character’s skin, hair and costume all wrong made it as far as the printed copy of a high-profile promotional book.”
Two words: “Eddie Berganza”
As any loyal Superman fans can tell you, details aren’t really Berganza’s strong suit, based on his chaotic run as Superman Group Editor from about 1999 to roughly 2005.
How Berganza continues to get promoted up the DC food chain is beyond my understanding, because….well…the guy’s really not very good at what an editor is supposed to do. One of those duties is making sure all of the details, small and large, are correct and consistent (like the visual details of a character)…which Berganza routinely glosses over.
Trust me, this won’t be the first blooper you’ll catch in the “Flashpoint” books (assuming anyone actually reads them, that is).
Really because Eddie has been helming Green Lantern and Blackest Night and done a great job. I think the mistake was probably on the artist/colorist, regardless i’m glad it was fixed.
The question wasn’t who made the initial mistake, but how no one in the editorial chain managed to catch the error before it went to print.
Getting the character’s race wrong is a pretty big error.
where the heck is Bart in that “Flash Family”??
XS is cool but color problems aside, it was kind of clear due to her hair, at least for me…
Can’t wait for Wednesday.
Simple, he’s “lost”!