Release Date & More Detail on Flash #1

Bleeding Cool has what appears to be the full solicitation text for the 52 DC Comics titles launching in September, including The Flash.


Art and cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL
Variant cover by IVAN REIS and TIM TOWNSEND
On sale SEPTEMBER 28 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T

The Fastest Man Alive returns to his own monthly series from the writer/artist team of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato! The Flash knows he can’t be everywhere at once, but what happens when he faces an all-new villain who really can! As if that’s not bad enough, this villain is a close friend!

What’s New compared to the first announcement? The release date, the variant cover credit, and the news that the new villain is a close friend. Since coming back from the dead in Flash: Rebirth, Barry doesn’t seem to have any close friends outside the super-hero community, but who knows what’s been changed in the wake of Flashpoint. Could this be a returning character or a new one?

Let the speculation begin!

Update (Monday): DC’s official solictations confirm the additional details.


23 thoughts on “Release Date & More Detail on Flash #1

    1. Mike W.

      If this is the only way they can give us a Wally “FIX” then I too will be beyond pissed. That is something I just do not see… like EVER! IF that happens though, I’m out for good. Let me know when they kill Barry and bring in Wally again!

  1. Kyer

    Let me get this straight….

    Barry The Iconic One has a new look that is a lot like the new look they’d given Wally just before Wally was no longer sighted wearing his dudes.

    Now Barry is going to be facing a villain who apparently moves faster than he can…and is a close friend?

    Okay, am I the only one or does that last bit sound awfully familiar? *coughs* *hunter* *coughs*

      1. Lee H

        That’s what I was thinking. It would differentiate him from Flash’s other “everywhere at once” foe, the Mirror Master.

  2. Kelson Post author

    Yeah, if they’re picking up where they left off and not rewinding (which is anyone’s guess at this point, since DC is rewinding some characters and just continuing with others), Patty and Forrest are basically the only “civilians” we’ve seen him interact with in a positive manner since he came back. Maybe Frye.

    Oh, no… is this the return of Captain Invincile as a villain? 😀

    1. Lee H

      They could always bring back Barry’s best friend/co-worker from Legends of the DC Universe #15-17. If anyone else even remembers that story!

      1. Lia

        Or Frank Curtis from the Bronze Age.

        I for one would like to see an evil Captain Invincible, provided he still has the same baggy costume.

        1. Steve

          Frank Curtis? Wasn’t the point of the reboot to make things more accessible to new readers? I think it’s either someone he’s interacted with recently or a new character created for the new continuity.

          1. Lia

            It was a joke based on Lee’s comment more than anything, although I guess there’s no reason Frank Curtis would be more or less accessible to new readers if he was just introduced as though he was new.

  3. Phantom Stranger

    I would not be on board with turning Wally into a villain. Maybe that is why DC has been mum on him so far, to keep it a surprise.

  4. Realitätsprüfung

    Francis Manapul’s recent interview intimates that this version of Barry is both younger and less experienced.

    Since this is a new status quo, the odds of it being a pre-existing character are slimmer, unless that character (Patty, Wally, etc.) is getting a TOTAL revamp.

    I’m betting new character.

  5. Thunderbolt_005

    I’m down with Wally as an anti-hero type of villian as long as he beats the crud out of Barry over and over.


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