Flash #10 Solicitation & Cover: Weather Wizard

DC’s Justice League Group solicitations for June are up. You can find a larger cover at Newsarama.

Art and cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL
1:25 B&W Variant cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL
On sale JUNE 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T

  • The Flash may survive…but will BARRY ALLEN?

Good to see that the Weather Wizard still uses a wand (though it’s ironic that he’s one of the few Rogues whose power actually was internalized in the previous DCU). Not sure about the raincoat, though.

Also, the Earth Two issue featuring Jay Garrick on the cover will also reveal his new origin.

1:25 B&W Variant cover by IVAN REIS and JOE PRADO
On sale JUNE 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T

  • MR. TERRIFIC – Michael Holt – lands on EARTH TWO!
  • Don’t miss the origin of the Earth Two FLASH – and the first time he uses his powers!
  • What could be a bigger threat to Earth Two than APOKOLIPS? Jay Garrick is about to find out!

I’ll admit that “hard water fumes” doesn’t hold up that well as a way to gain super-powers (though you can sort of excuse it if you assume they meant “heavy water fumes”), but is anyone else nervous about this?


26 thoughts on “Flash #10 Solicitation & Cover: Weather Wizard

  1. CraigM

    A couple of thoughts:

    1) Weather Wizard looks more like Abra Kadabra here. They need to get rid of the long hair and the goatee.

    2) The Earth 2 Flash costume is starting to grow on me. Also, just because this is “Jay Garrick” that doesn’t mean his origin will be the same as the Jay we used to know. His costume may have been the only thing that’s changed.

    1. Nick

      If DC changed the origin, I doubt it would be *that* far from the previous one. With the New52, how many origins have been completely rewritten from the ground up? Even the rewritten stuff seems to have the same story beats.

    1. Mike W.

      Thanks for stealing my thunder! I was gonna say that one Kyer until I read your post! Seriously, why wouldn’t the Weather Wizard who calls down lightning and tornadoes and other bad weather not wear a rain coat?

  2. James

    I’m divided on Weather Wizard’s new look. I love Scot Kollins’ redesign, but this isn’t half bad — comparisons to Abra Kadabra aside.

  3. Lee H

    It’s hard to argue against the new Weather Wizard design. It keeps the key elements of the previous whilst just slightly tweaking things more practical and not as plain.

    People have mentioned Abra Kadabra. Whilst it’s true that he looks a little similar to the “Las Vegas” Kadabra from the Countdown era, he looks nothing like the bowler hat wearing Francis Manapul design that was in the Secret Files issue. So I don’t think it’s going to be an issue.

    Next to Captain Boomerang (and potentially Trickster) they might be overdoing coats a little, but it makes sense for the character.

  4. James

    The return of the Wizard also raises a point of curiosity.

    In the Flash 2010 Secret Files, Johns hinted he was going to delve into a story surrounding Mardon’s brother, specifically:

    Why was Clyde building the Wand? More importantly, WHO was he building it for?

    Obviously, this didn’t happen with Flashpoint and the end of the run — but it makes me hope Manapul comes back to this. It was an interesting idea.

  5. Laura

    I…don’t hate the outfit. It’s basic, keeps the key elements of the previous design (better than SOME redesigns), looks pretty good.

    Haaaaate the beard. Weather Wizard, with the beard, looks way too much like Abra Kadabra, and that’s problematic enough, given that WW’s the one with “wizard” in his name. He’s also a little buffer than usual, which is a shame, because part of Mark’s…well, charm is certainly the wrong word, but part of his “Mark-ness” was looking like he always needed a sandwich. This scrawny, angry guy. But that usually varies artist to artist anyway.

    His, er…his wand is, em…it’s certainly large. It seems to have…grown…? Er. *cough*

    (No, I get it. Big stick looks more intimidating. Blatantly so. Honestly, I think a guy holding a tiny stick and looking like he’s about to unleash hurt looks a lot more intimidating, because there’s an element of crazy there, but the new 52 is about nothing if not making sure there’s absolutely no visual irony/dichotomy/whatever, so…*shrug*)

    1. Kyer

      Trying to keep from laughing hysterically because it actually hurts to do so right now….but…maybe he clicked on some of those more…interesting…spam emails? *adds her own coughs* Or it could be a Teddy Roosevelt complex. 😛

      (I also can’t help but wonder just what manner of plants those are growing in his field….I mean, he *is* wearing gardening kneepads.)

    2. Ionic One

      Maybe it’s his *ahem* Wizard Staff or his *snicker* Lightning Rod! Sorry I couldn’t help myself! lol

  6. Seth

    Wow, I can’t wait to see how this issue turns out like. I’m a huge fan of the rogues and Weather Wizard looks so awesome I love the trench coat and the long hair also the darker outfits, makes it look so much easier to cosplay.

  7. JohnnyWellens

    I actually really enjoy the costume. I’m a fan of goatees and think that of all the Rogues he’s the most likely to have one. What I do hate is the fact that of all the Rogues announced to have “internalized powers” Weather Wizard seemed to make the most sense. There could be an explanation for his wand, such as he needs it in order to control his powers, but even that is stupid. We’re supposed to believe that Captain Cold has full control over his brand new internalized powers but Weather Wizard, who’s powers were already internatlized, needs a weapon for control. I really really really hate this new universe and what’s it’s done to The Flash. I don’t even read this comic anymore even though I could download it completely free online.

    1. Kyer

      That stick is not for controlling…it’s for whacking the daylights out of anyone who comes close. (I personally think he swiped it off Thawne because Mark secretly wanted to be a Catholic Nun but a ruler was not ergonomic enough.)

  8. Steve

    Weather Wizard has few visual cues on his costume indicating either “Weather” or “Wizard.”

    He looks like a bee here. It’d be a nice costume for somebody called “King Bee” or something, but I think with this costume and a wand the size of a staff, there’s not much connecting him to his core themes from a costume perspective.

    1. Kyer

      I still think it looks like Marvel’s (deceased) Wasp character…which would make that wand one heck of a stinger….which actually rather fits for a wasp. Hmm….

  9. Savitar

    WW’s new costume looks better than Jay’s new costume.

    Although due to how the rain is shown flowing down his legs, WW appears to be wearing skull kneepads to me. 😉

    1. Mike W.

      Ooooh… that is a hard sell for me. I am actually digging Jay’s new costume. Very up to date look on that one. And since it is Earth-2 then who’s to say that isn’t the height of fashion over there.

      1. Kyer

        You’ve brought up a point.

        I enjoyed reading Crisis on Infinite Earths even though to my eyes it could have well have been subtitled: Crisis of Dorky Costumes. Yet I enjoyed that book.

        So if this turns out to be Crisis of Dorky Costumes World Two Edition, I might be able to live with it….if it didn’t look so dark. (Yes COIE was very dark in tone, but it was *one* story event and not an ongoing book. Like a TV special rather than a TV series.)

  10. Eyz

    Mmmh… I’m honestly divided on Weather Wizard’s new design.
    On one hand it looks waaay too much like an Abra Kadabra design…but it is also pretty well done and you recognize the Wizard.

    Unlike, say, Red Robin or Superboy’s new ugly silly 90s-ysh designs.


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