Bleeding Cool posts a page of original art from The Shade #4 found on Albert Moy. The page didn’t appear in the book, though, because it featured the Golden Age Flash and Starman.
As I understand it, James Robinson and the various artists have been working on this series since before the relaunch, and have had to make a few changes along the way in order to fit into the New 52.
This New 52 is really starting to annoy me :/
I’m glad someone already bought that page, now I can’t be tempted by it.
That appearance would have made me one happy reader. What a darn shame.
So the Shade (and thus Jack Knight) are now part of the New 52??
The Shade, yes. Jack Knight, I wouldn’t assume at this point. The series seems to be set in its own little corner such that it could fit into either the old DCU or the new one.