Monthly Archives: December 2015

When Barry Met Wally

Wally West is set to appear on the Flash TV Show in this week’s fall finale, so now is the perfect time to look back at how the first meeting of Barry Allen and Wally West has been portrayed over the years.

Silver Age: Flash #110 (1960)

flash-110-when-barry-met-wally-1The cover features the Weather Wizard in his first appearance, while a backup story introduces Kid Flash. Iris West’s nephew Wally — a huge fan of the Flash — comes to visit her in Central City, and she arranges a surprise: Her friend Barry Allen knows the Flash, and he just might be able to introduce him!

It’s a DC comic from the early 1960s, so Wally is basically the 1950s media ideal of a ten-year-old: Well-mannered and wide-eyed, saying “Gosh!” and “Jumping Jets!” and otherwise waiting for his elders to speak. Continue reading

Flash-Arrow Crossover Review!

#FlashxArrow was set to be another amazing crossover, with an even greater purpose – to act as a springboard for the upcoming ‘Legends of Tomorrow” series. Introducing us to Vandal Savage, having Hawkgirl discover her powers, giving us some important developments on several fronts, this pair of episodes carried a tremendous weight of expectations. Given that, it’s a good thing that FLASH and ARROW exceeded every expectation. Want to know more? Just follow us after the jump…


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