Category Archives: Round-Ups

Speed Reading

Some weekend linkblogging…


Other stuff

Speed Reading

It’s been a busy weekend, so I haven’t had a chance to put together my weekly linkblogging round-up until now. Enjoy!

Flashy (and other) Art (mostly from The Rogues Kick Ass and The Fastest Fan Alive)

Other Flashy Stuff

Other Comics Stuff

Speed Reading

Some more linkblogging for the weekend!

Art. These were all found by Devin at The Fastest Fan Alive.

More Flashy links

General comics links.

Quick Links: Artist Interviews — Andy Kubert on Flashpoint, Francis Manapul on Flash

Two recent interviews with Flash artists:

The Source posted a Q&A with Andy Kubert focusing on his work on Flashpoint. He doesn’t reveal anything about the story, but talks about the process of working with Geoff Johns, redesigning characters, and being sworn to secrecy on a project that everyone knows he’s working on.

Ain’t It Cool News’ Johnny Destructo interviewed Francis Manapul. He talks about how he got into comics, how he ended up working on Adventure Comics and The Flash (interestingly, it seems that someone else was going to draw The Flash, but backed out), his art process, pacing, Central City, and de-aging Iris.

Speed Reading

First, some links to art!

More Flashy links:

More comics links

Speed Reading

Flashy links:

General comics links: