Tag Archives: Flash TV Show 2014

“The New Rogues” Stills, Plus The Upcoming Crossover

The CW has released some official still images for next week’s episode of The Flash, titled “The New Rogues”. You can see more of them at Beautiful Ballad.org. The images give us a good look at Jesse Quick in her new costume, as well as the three major Rogues who will appear….and hint at the conflict between them. Check them out!

Also, Collider spoke with showrunner Marc Guggenheim about Season 5 of Arrow, and the upcoming four-series crossover. There he tells us how the episodes will air and a bit about the story.

Can you clarify how the four show cross-over is split into three parts?

GUGGENHEIM: There’s going to be an episode of Supergirl that ends with Supergirl going over to the cross-over. Some people call it a four-way cross-over because it involves four shows. My ulcer requires me to call it a three-part cross-over. The story that’s being told has a beginning, middle and end. It’s a beginning in The Flash, a middle in Arrow, and an end in Legends, but Supergirl is very much a part of the whole thing. So, we are crossing over four shows, but in three parts.

What can you say about how Supergirl will enter into the Arrow-verse for the upcoming three-part cross-over?

GUGGENHEIM: Last year, Supergirl established that The Flash was able to make his way to what I call Earth-CBS, and it stands to reason that with the proper breach technology, the reverse can happen. Once the heroes realize that they’re up against aliens, they decide that they need an alien on their side and, fortunately, Barry knows a really nice one. I don’t think it’s a big shock that, between Barry and Cisco, and all of their experiences with Earth-2 and the multi-verse, that they can pluck her from Earth-CBS.

Looking forward to “The New Rogues” and/or the crossover? What do you hope to see? Share your thoughts!

“The New Rogues” Teaser

Here’s the extended trailer for next week’s episode of The Flash, titled “The New Rogues”. The episode will feature the introduction of two major Rogues, as well as the return of another! The returnee doesn’t appear in this teaser, however.

The episode will air on October 25th.

Looking forward to the titular new Rogues? Certainly Mirror Master was the one villain people were clamouring for until he was announced this season. Share your thoughts about what you want to see!

Legends Of Tomorrow Trailer

Here’s the newest Legends Of Tomorrow trailer, titled “Out Of Time”. I’m posting it here because (spoiler alert) it has Barry Allen, the Reverse Flash, and Captain Cold in it. The latter two are part of the Legion Of Doom, and Barry’s scenes are apparently from the big four-way multi-series crossover which will air in December. It’ll cover The Flash, Arrow, Legends, and Supergirl.


Legends looks like a lot of fun this season, and I’m looking forward to it! Anyone else watching the series?